Input::IsValid PHP Method

IsValid() public static method

Return FALSE if any calls to Input::Get() resulted in an error.
public static IsValid ( ) : boolean
return boolean
    public static function IsValid()
        global $g_inputErrors;
        if (count($g_inputErrors) > 0) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;

Usage Example

コード例 #1
function upload_article_handler(&$request, &$session, &$files) {
	$publication = Input::Get('Pub', 'int', 0);
	$issue = Input::Get('Issue', 'int', 0);
	$section = Input::Get('Section', 'int', 0);
	$language = Input::Get('Language', 'int', 0);
	$sLanguage = Input::Get('sLanguage', 'int', 0);
	$articleNumber = Input::Get('Article', 'int', 0);

	if (!Input::IsValid()) {
		echo "Input Error: Missing input";

	// Unzip the sxw file to get the content.
	$zip = zip_open($files["filename"]["tmp_name"]);
	if ($zip) {
		$xml = null;
		while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)) {
			if (zip_entry_name($zip_entry) == "content.xml") {
		       	if (zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry, "r")) {
		           	$xml = zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry));

		if (!is_null($xml)) {
			// Write the XML to a file because the XSLT functions
			// require it to be in a file in order to be processed.
			$tmpXmlFilename = tempnam("/tmp", "ArticleImportXml");
			$tmpXmlFile = fopen($tmpXmlFilename, "w");
			fwrite($tmpXmlFile, $xml);

			// Transform the OpenOffice document to DocBook format.
			$xsltProcessor = xslt_create();
			$docbookXml = xslt_process($xsltProcessor,

			// Parse the docbook to get the data.
			$docBookParser = new DocBookParser();
			$docBookParser->parseString($docbookXml, true);

			$article = new Article($articleNumber, $language);

			// Go back to the "Edit Article" page.
			header("Location: /$ADMIN/articles/edit.php?Pub=$publication&Issue=$issue&Section=$section&Article=$articleNumber&Language=$language&sLanguage=$sLanguage");
		} // if (!is_null($xml))
	} // if ($zip)

	// Some sort of error occurred - show the upload page again.
} // fn upload_article_handler
All Usage Examples Of Input::IsValid