IssueForm::execute PHP Method

execute() public method

Save issue settings.
public execute ( $request ) : integer
$request PKPRequest
return integer Issue ID for created/updated issue
    function execute($request)
        $journal = $request->getJournal();
        $issueDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('IssueDAO');
        if ($this->issue) {
            $isNewIssue = false;
            $issue = $this->issue;
        } else {
            $issue = $issueDao->newDataObject();
            $isNewIssue = true;
        $volume = $this->getData('volume');
        $number = $this->getData('number');
        $year = $this->getData('year');
        $issue->setTitle($this->getData('title'), null);
        // Localized
        $issue->setVolume(empty($volume) ? 0 : $volume);
        $issue->setNumber(empty($number) ? 0 : $number);
        $issue->setYear(empty($year) ? 0 : $year);
        if (!$isNewIssue) {
        $issue->setDescription($this->getData('description'), null);
        // Localized
        $issue->setAccessStatus($this->getData('accessStatus') ? $this->getData('accessStatus') : ISSUE_ACCESS_OPEN);
        // See bug #6324
        if ($this->getData('enableOpenAccessDate')) {
        } else {
        // If it is a new issue, first insert it, then update the cover
        // because the cover name needs an issue id.
        if ($isNewIssue) {
        $locale = AppLocale::getLocale();
        // Copy an uploaded cover file for the issue, if there is one.
        if ($temporaryFileId = $this->getData('temporaryFileId')) {
            $user = $request->getUser();
            $temporaryFileDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('TemporaryFileDAO');
            $temporaryFile = $temporaryFileDao->getTemporaryFile($temporaryFileId, $user->getId());
            $publicFileManager = new PublicFileManager();
            $newFileName = 'cover_issue_' . $issue->getId() . '_' . $locale . $publicFileManager->getImageExtension($temporaryFile->getFileType());
            $journal = $request->getJournal();
            $publicFileManager->copyJournalFile($journal->getId(), $temporaryFile->getFilePath(), $newFileName);
            $issue->setCoverImage($newFileName, $locale);
        $issue->setCoverImageAltText($this->getData('coverImageAltText'), $locale);

Usage Example

コード例 #1
  * Edit the current issue form
 function editIssue($args, $request)
     $issueId = (int) array_shift($args);
     $this->validate($issueId, true);
     $issue =& $this->issue;
     $templateMgr =& TemplateManager::getManager();
     $templateMgr->assign('issueId', $issueId);
     $journal =& $request->getJournal();
     $journalId = $journal->getId();
     $templateMgr->assign('issueOptions', IssueAction::getIssueOptions());
     if (checkPhpVersion('5.0.0')) {
         // WARNING: This form needs $this in constructor
         $issueForm = new IssueForm('editor/issues/issueData.tpl');
     } else {
         $issueForm =& new IssueForm('editor/issues/issueData.tpl');
     if ($issueForm->validate($issue)) {
     $templateMgr->assign_by_ref('issue', $issue);
     $templateMgr->assign('unpublished', !$issue->getPublished());
All Usage Examples Of IssueForm::execute