Phirehose::consume PHP Method

consume() public method

Note: in normal use this function does not return. If you pass $reconnect as false, it will still not return in normal use: it will only return if the remote side (Twitter) close the socket. (Or the socket dies for some other external reason.)
See also: handleStatus()
public consume ( boolean $reconnect = TRUE )
$reconnect boolean Reconnects as per recommended
    public function consume($reconnect = TRUE)
        // Persist connection?
        $this->reconnect = $reconnect;
        // Loop indefinitely based on reconnect
        do {
            // (Re)connect
            // Init state
            $lastAverage = $lastFilterCheck = $lastFilterUpd = $lastStreamActivity = time();
            $fdw = $fde = NULL;
            // Placeholder write/error file descriptors for stream_select
            // We use a blocking-select with timeout, to allow us to continue processing on idle streams
            //TODO: there is a bug lurking here. If $this->conn is fine, but $numChanged returns zero, because readTimeout was
            //    reached, then we should consider we still need to call statusUpdate() every 60 seconds, etc.
            //     ($this->readTimeout is 5 seconds.) This can be quite annoying. E.g. Been getting data regularly for 55 seconds,
            //     then it goes quiet for just 10 or so seconds. It is now 65 seconds since last call to statusUpdate() has been
            //     called, which might mean a monitoring system kills the script assuming it has died.
            while ($this->conn !== NULL && !feof($this->conn) && ($numChanged = stream_select($this->fdrPool, $fdw, $fde, $this->readTimeout)) !== FALSE) {
                /* Unfortunately, we need to do a safety check for dead twitter streams - This seems to be able to happen where
                 * you end up with a valid connection, but NO tweets coming along the wire (or keep alives). The below guards
                 * against this.
                if (time() - $lastStreamActivity > $this->idleReconnectTimeout) {
                    $this->log('Idle timeout: No stream activity for > ' . $this->idleReconnectTimeout . ' seconds. ' . ' Reconnecting.', 'info');
                    $lastStreamActivity = time();
                // Process stream/buffer
                $this->fdrPool = array($this->conn);
                // Must reassign for stream_select()
                //Get a full HTTP chunk.
                //NB. This is a tight loop, not using stream_select.
                //NB. If that causes problems, then perhaps put something to give up after say trying for 10 seconds? (but
                //   the stream will be all messed up, so will need to do a reconnect).
                $chunk_info = trim(fgets($this->conn));
                //First line is hex digits giving us the length
                if ($chunk_info == '') {
                //Usually indicates a time-out. If we wanted to be sure,
                //then stream_get_meta_data($this->conn)['timed_out']==1.  (We could instead
                //   look at the 'eof' member, which appears to be boolean false if just a time-out.)
                //TODO: need to consider calling statusUpdate() every 60 seconds, etc.
                // Track maximum idle period
                // (We got start of an HTTP chunk, this is stream activity)
                $this->idlePeriod = time() - $lastStreamActivity;
                $this->maxIdlePeriod = $this->idlePeriod > $this->maxIdlePeriod ? $this->idlePeriod : $this->maxIdlePeriod;
                $lastStreamActivity = time();
                //Append one HTTP chunk to $this->buff
                $len = hexdec($chunk_info);
                //$len includes the \r\n at the end of the chunk (despite what wikipedia says)
                //TODO: could do a check for data corruption here. E.g. if($len>100000){...}
                $s = '';
                $len += 2;
                //For the \r\n at the end of the chunk
                while (!feof($this->conn)) {
                    $s .= fread($this->conn, $len - strlen($s));
                    if (strlen($s) >= $len) {
                    //TODO: Can never be >$len, only ==$len??
                $this->buff .= substr($s, 0, -2);
                //This is our HTTP chunk
                //Process each full tweet inside $this->buff
                while (1) {
                    $eol = strpos($this->buff, "\r\n");
                    //Find next line ending
                    if ($eol === 0) {
                        // if 0, then buffer starts with "\r\n", so trim it and loop again
                        $this->buff = substr($this->buff, $eol + 2);
                        // remove the "\r\n" from line start
                        // loop again
                    if ($eol === false) {
                    //Time to get more data
                    $enqueueStart = microtime(TRUE);
                    $this->enqueueStatus(substr($this->buff, 0, $eol));
                    $this->enqueueSpent += microtime(TRUE) - $enqueueStart;
                    $this->buff = substr($this->buff, $eol + 2);
                    //+2 to allow for the \r\n
                //NOTE: if $this->buff is not empty, it is tempting to go round and get the next HTTP chunk, as
                //  we know there is data on the incoming stream. However, this could mean the below functions (heartbeat
                //  and statusUpdate) *never* get called, which would be bad.
                // Calc counter averages
                $this->avgElapsed = time() - $lastAverage;
                if ($this->avgElapsed >= $this->avgPeriod) {
                    $this->statusRate = round($this->statusCount / $this->avgElapsed, 0);
                    // Calc tweets-per-second
                    // Calc time spent per enqueue in ms
                    $this->enqueueTimeMS = $this->statusCount > 0 ? round($this->enqueueSpent / $this->statusCount * 1000, 2) : 0;
                    // Calc time spent total in filter predicate checking
                    $this->filterCheckTimeMS = $this->filterCheckCount > 0 ? round($this->filterCheckSpent / $this->filterCheckCount * 1000, 2) : 0;
                    $lastAverage = time();
                // Check if we're ready to check filter predicates
                if ($this->method == self::METHOD_FILTER && time() - $lastFilterCheck >= $this->filterCheckMin) {
                    $lastFilterCheck = time();
                    $filterCheckStart = microtime(TRUE);
                    // This should be implemented in subclass if required
                    $this->filterCheckSpent += microtime(TRUE) - $filterCheckStart;
                // Check if filter is ready + allowed to be updated (reconnect)
                if ($this->filterChanged == TRUE && time() - $lastFilterUpd >= $this->filterUpdMin) {
                    $this->log('Reconnecting due to changed filter predicates.', 'info');
                    $lastFilterUpd = time();
            // End while-stream-activity
            if (function_exists('pcntl_signal_dispatch')) {
            // Some sort of socket error has occured
            $this->lastErrorNo = is_resource($this->conn) ? @socket_last_error($this->conn) : NULL;
            $this->lastErrorMsg = $this->lastErrorNo > 0 ? @socket_strerror($this->lastErrorNo) : 'Socket disconnected';
            $this->log('Phirehose connection error occured: ' . $this->lastErrorMsg, 'error');
            // Reconnect
        } while ($this->reconnect);
        // Exit