SimpleHistory::getLogRowHTMLOutput PHP Method

getLogRowHTMLOutput() public method

Returns the HTML output for a log row, to be used in the GUI/Activity Feed
public getLogRowHTMLOutput ( array $oneLogRow, $args ) : string
$oneLogRow array SimpleHistoryLogQuery array with data from SimpleHistoryLogQuery
return string
    public function getLogRowHTMLOutput($oneLogRow, $args)
        $defaults = array("type" => "overview");
        $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
        $header_html = $this->getLogRowHeaderOutput($oneLogRow);
        $plain_text_html = $this->getLogRowPlainTextOutput($oneLogRow);
        $sender_image_html = $this->getLogRowSenderImageOutput($oneLogRow);
        // Details = for example thumbnail of media
        $details_html = trim($this->getLogRowDetailsOutput($oneLogRow));
        if ($details_html) {
            $details_html = sprintf('<div class="SimpleHistoryLogitem__details">%1$s</div>', $details_html);
        // subsequentOccasions = including the current one
        $occasions_count = $oneLogRow->subsequentOccasions - 1;
        $occasions_html = "";
        if ($occasions_count > 0) {
            $occasions_html = '<div class="SimpleHistoryLogitem__occasions">';
            $occasions_html .= '<a href="#" class="SimpleHistoryLogitem__occasionsLink">';
            $occasions_html .= sprintf(_n('+%1$s similar event', '+%1$s similar events', $occasions_count, "simple-history"), $occasions_count);
            $occasions_html .= '</a>';
            $occasions_html .= '<span class="SimpleHistoryLogitem__occasionsLoading">';
            $occasions_html .= sprintf(__('Loading…', "simple-history"), $occasions_count);
            $occasions_html .= '</span>';
            $occasions_html .= '<span class="SimpleHistoryLogitem__occasionsLoaded">';
            $occasions_html .= sprintf(__('Showing %1$s more', "simple-history"), $occasions_count);
            $occasions_html .= '</span>';
            $occasions_html .= '</div>';
        // Add data atributes to log row, so plugins can do stuff
        $data_attrs = "";
        $data_attrs .= sprintf(' data-row-id="%1$d" ', $oneLogRow->id);
        $data_attrs .= sprintf(' data-occasions-count="%1$d" ', $occasions_count);
        $data_attrs .= sprintf(' data-occasions-id="%1$s" ', esc_attr($oneLogRow->occasionsID));
        if (isset($oneLogRow->context["_server_remote_addr"])) {
            $data_attrs .= sprintf(' data-ip-address="%1$s" ', esc_attr($oneLogRow->context["_server_remote_addr"]));
        $arr_found_additional_ip_headers = $this->instantiatedLoggers["SimpleLogger"]["instance"]->get_event_ip_number_headers($oneLogRow);
        if ($arr_found_additional_ip_headers) {
            $data_attrs .= sprintf(' data-ip-address-multiple="1" ');
        $data_attrs .= sprintf(' data-logger="%1$s" ', esc_attr($oneLogRow->logger));
        $data_attrs .= sprintf(' data-level="%1$s" ', esc_attr($oneLogRow->level));
        $data_attrs .= sprintf(' data-date="%1$s" ', esc_attr($oneLogRow->date));
        $data_attrs .= sprintf(' data-initiator="%1$s" ', esc_attr($oneLogRow->initiator));
        if (isset($oneLogRow->context["_user_id"])) {
            $data_attrs .= sprintf(' data-initiator-user-id="%1$d" ', $oneLogRow->context["_user_id"]);
        // If type is single then include more details
        $more_details_html = "";
        if ($args["type"] == "single") {
            $more_details_html = apply_filters("simple_history/log_html_output_details_single/html_before_context_table", $more_details_html, $oneLogRow);
            $more_details_html .= sprintf('<h2 class="SimpleHistoryLogitem__moreDetailsHeadline">%1$s</h2>', __("Context data", "simple-history"));
            $more_details_html .= "<p>" . __("This is potentially useful meta data that a logger has saved.", "simple-history") . "</p>";
            $more_details_html .= "<table class='SimpleHistoryLogitem__moreDetailsContext'>";
            $more_details_html .= sprintf('<tr>
				</tr>', "Key", "Value");
            $logRowKeysToShow = array_fill_keys(array_keys((array) $oneLogRow), true);
             * Filter what keys to show from oneLogRow
             * Array is in format
             *   Array
             *   (
             *       [id] => 1
             *       [logger] => 1
             *       [level] => 1
             *       ...
             *   )
             * @since 2.0.29
             * @param array with keys to show. key to show = key. value = boolean to show or not.
             * @param object log row to show details from
            $logRowKeysToShow = apply_filters("simple_history/log_html_output_details_table/row_keys_to_show", $logRowKeysToShow, $oneLogRow);
            // Hide some keys by default
            unset($logRowKeysToShow["occasionsID"], $logRowKeysToShow["subsequentOccasions"], $logRowKeysToShow["rep"], $logRowKeysToShow["repeated"], $logRowKeysToShow["occasionsIDType"], $logRowKeysToShow["context"], $logRowKeysToShow["type"]);
            foreach ($oneLogRow as $rowKey => $rowVal) {
                // Only columns from oneLogRow that exist in logRowKeysToShow will be outputed
                if (!array_key_exists($rowKey, $logRowKeysToShow) || !$logRowKeysToShow[$rowKey]) {
                // skip arrays and objects and such
                if (is_array($rowVal) || is_object($rowVal)) {
                $more_details_html .= sprintf('<tr>
					</tr>', esc_html($rowKey), esc_html($rowVal));
            $logRowContextKeysToShow = array_fill_keys(array_keys((array) $oneLogRow->context), true);
             Marker - 2 maj 2015 20:51:54
            [02-May-2015 18:51:57 UTC] {
                "post_id": true,
                "post_type": true,
                "post_title": true,
                "post_prev_post_title": true,
                "post_new_post_title": true,
                "post_prev_post_name": true,
                "post_new_post_name": true,
                "_message_key": true,
                "_user_id": true,
                "_user_login": true,
                "_user_email": true,
                "_server_remote_addr": true,
                "_server_http_referer": true
             * Filter what keys to show from the row context
             * Array is in format
             *   Array
             *   (
             *       [plugin_slug] => 1
             *       [plugin_name] => 1
             *       [plugin_title] => 1
             *       [plugin_description] => 1
             *       [plugin_author] => 1
             *       [plugin_version] => 1
             *       ...
             *   )
             * @since 2.0.29
             * @param array with keys to show. key to show = key. value = boolean to show or not.
             * @param object log row to show details from
            $logRowContextKeysToShow = apply_filters("simple_history/log_html_output_details_table/context_keys_to_show", $logRowContextKeysToShow, $oneLogRow);
            foreach ($oneLogRow->context as $contextKey => $contextVal) {
                // Only columns from context that exist in logRowContextKeysToShow will be outputed
                if (!array_key_exists($contextKey, $logRowContextKeysToShow) || !$logRowContextKeysToShow[$contextKey]) {
                $more_details_html .= sprintf('<tr>
					</tr>', esc_html($contextKey), esc_html($contextVal));
            $more_details_html .= "</table>";
            $more_details_html = apply_filters("simple_history/log_html_output_details_single/html_after_context_table", $more_details_html, $oneLogRow);
            $more_details_html = sprintf('<div class="SimpleHistoryLogitem__moreDetails">%1$s</div>', $more_details_html);
        // Classes to add to log item li element
        $classes = array("SimpleHistoryLogitem", "SimpleHistoryLogitem--loglevel-{$oneLogRow->level}", "SimpleHistoryLogitem--logger-{$oneLogRow->logger}");
        if (isset($oneLogRow->initiator) && !empty($oneLogRow->initiator)) {
            $classes[] = "SimpleHistoryLogitem--initiator-" . $oneLogRow->initiator;
        if ($arr_found_additional_ip_headers) {
            $classes[] = "SimpleHistoryLogitem--IPAddress-multiple";
        // Always append the log level tag
        $log_level_tag_html = sprintf(' <span class="SimpleHistoryLogitem--logleveltag SimpleHistoryLogitem--logleveltag-%1$s">%2$s</span>', $oneLogRow->level, $this->getLogLevelTranslated($oneLogRow->level));
        $plain_text_html .= $log_level_tag_html;
         * Filter to modify classes added to item li element
         * @since 2.0.7
         * @param $classes Array with classes
        $classes = apply_filters("simple_history/logrowhtmloutput/classes", $classes);
        // Generate the HTML output for a row
        $output = sprintf('
				<li %8$s class="%10$s">
					<div class="SimpleHistoryLogitem__firstcol">
						<div class="SimpleHistoryLogitem__senderImage">%3$s</div>
					<div class="SimpleHistoryLogitem__secondcol">
						<div class="SimpleHistoryLogitem__header">%1$s</div>
						<div class="SimpleHistoryLogitem__text">%2$s</div>
						%6$s <!-- details_html -->
						%9$s <!-- more details html -->
						%4$s <!-- occasions -->
			', $header_html, $plain_text_html, $sender_image_html, $occasions_html, $oneLogRow->level, $details_html, $oneLogRow->logger, $data_attrs, $more_details_html, esc_attr(join(" ", $classes)));
        // Get the main message row.
        // Should be as plain as possible, like plain text
        // but with links to for example users and posts
        // Get detailed HTML-based output
        // May include images, lists, any cool stuff needed to view
        return trim($output);