Telegram::sendDocument PHP Method

sendDocument() public method

Use this method to send general files. On success, the sent Message is returned. Bots can currently send files of any type of up to 50 MB in size, this limit may be changed in the future.
Values inside $content:
Parameters Type Required Description
chat_id Integer Yes Unique identifier for the message recipient — User or GroupChat id
document InputFile or String Yes File to send. You can either pass a file_id as String to resend a file that is already on the Telegram servers, or upload a new file using multipart/form-data.
reply_to_message_id Integer Optional If the message is a reply, ID of the original message
reply_markup ReplyKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardHide or ForceReply Optional Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for a custom reply keyboard, instructions to hide keyboard or to force a reply from the user.
\param $content the request parameters as array \return the JSON Telegram's reply
public sendDocument ( array $content )
$content array
    public function sendDocument(array $content)
        return $this->endpoint("sendDocument", $content);