public function initializeArguments()
$this->registerArgument('spotifyUri', 'string', 'Spotify URI to create the play button for. Right click any song, album or playlist in Spotify and ' . 'select Copy Spotify URI.', true);
$this->registerArgument('width', 'int', 'Width of the play button in pixels. Defaults to 300', false, 300);
$this->registerArgument('height', 'int', 'Height of the play button in pixels. Defaults to 380', false, 380);
$this->registerArgument('compact', 'boolean', 'Whether to render the compact button with a fixed height of 80px.', false, false);
$this->registerArgument('theme', 'string', 'Theme to use. Can be "black" or "white" and is not available in compact mode. Defaults to "black".', false, 'black');
$this->registerArgument('view', 'string', 'View to use. Can be "list" or "coverart" and is not available in compact mode. Defaults to "list".', false, 'list');