* Converts the specified $source into a Node.
* If $source is a UUID it is expected to refer to the identifier of a NodeData record of the "live" workspace
* Otherwise $source has to be a valid node path:
* The node path must be an absolute context node path and can be specified as a string or as an array item with the
* key "__contextNodePath". The latter case is for updating existing nodes.
* This conversion method does not support / allow creation of new nodes because new nodes should be created through
* the createNode() method of an existing reference node.
* Also note that the context's "current node" is not affected by this object converter, you will need to set it to
* whatever node your "current" node is, if any.
* All elements in the source array which start with two underscores (like __contextNodePath) are specially treated
* by this converter.
* All elements in the source array which start with a *single underscore (like _hidden) are *directly* set on the Node
* object.
* All other elements, not being prefixed with underscore, are properties of the node.
* @param string|array $source Either a string or array containing the absolute context node path which identifies the node. For example "/sites/mysitecom/homepage/about@user-admin"
* @param string $targetType not used
* @param array $subProperties not used
* @param PropertyMappingConfigurationInterface $configuration
* @return mixed An object or \Neos\Error\Messages\Error if the input format is not supported or could not be converted for other reasons
* @throws NodeException
public function convertFrom($source, $targetType = null, array $subProperties = array(), PropertyMappingConfigurationInterface $configuration = null)
if (is_string($source)) {
$source = array('__contextNodePath' => $source);
if (!is_array($source) || !isset($source['__contextNodePath'])) {
return new Error('Could not convert ' . gettype($source) . ' to Node object, a valid absolute context node path as a string or array is expected.', 1302879936);
try {
$nodePathAndContext = NodePaths::explodeContextPath($source['__contextNodePath']);
$nodePath = $nodePathAndContext['nodePath'];
$workspaceName = $nodePathAndContext['workspaceName'];
$dimensions = $nodePathAndContext['dimensions'];
} catch (\InvalidArgumentException $exception) {
return new Error('Could not convert array to Node object because the node path was invalid.', 1285162903);
$context = $this->contextFactory->create($this->prepareContextProperties($workspaceName, $configuration, $dimensions));
$workspace = $context->getWorkspace(false);
if (!$workspace) {
return new Error(sprintf('Could not convert the given source to Node object because the workspace "%s" as specified in the context node path does not exist.', $workspaceName), 1383577859);
$node = $context->getNode($nodePath);
if (!$node) {
return new Error(sprintf('Could not convert array to Node object because the node "%s" does not exist.', $nodePath), 1370502328);
if (isset($source['_nodeType']) && $source['_nodeType'] !== $node->getNodeType()->getName()) {
if ($context->getWorkspace()->getName() === 'live') {
throw new NodeException('Could not convert the node type in live workspace', 1429989736);
$oldNodeType = $node->getNodeType();
$targetNodeType = $this->nodeTypeManager->getNodeType($source['_nodeType']);
$this->nodeService->cleanUpAutoCreatedChildNodes($node, $oldNodeType);
$this->setNodeProperties($node, $node->getNodeType(), $source, $context, $configuration);
return $node;