ManagerAPI::compile PHP 메소드

compile() 보호된 메소드

Allow worker to post the result of their compilation
protected compile ( )
    protected function compile()
        if (isset($_POST['userID']) && isset($_POST['didCompile'])) {
            $this->insert("UPDATE Worker SET numCompiles=numCompiles+1 WHERE apiKey=" . $this->mysqli->real_escape_string($this->apiKey));
            $userID = $_POST['userID'];
            $didCompile = $_POST['didCompile'];
            $language = isset($_POST['language']) ? $_POST['language'] : "Other";
            $user = $this->select("SELECT * FROM User WHERE userID={$userID}");
            if ($didCompile == 1) {
                // Did succeed
                $this->sendNotification($user, "Compilation Success", "<p>Your bot was sucessfully compiled on our servers as a program written in {$language}. Within a few minutes, your bot will begin playing games against other contestant's programs. Replays of these games will show up on your <a href='" . WEB_DOMAIN . "user.php'>homepage</a>.</p>", 1);
                $this->insert("UPDATE User SET numSubmissions=numSubmissions+1, numGames=0, mu = 25.000, sigma = 8.333, compileStatus = 0, isRunning = 1, language = '" . $this->mysqli->real_escape_string($language) . "' WHERE userID = " . $this->mysqli->real_escape_string($userID));
                if (intval($user['numSubmissions']) != 0) {
                    $numActiveUsers = mysqli_query($this->mysqli, "SELECT userID FROM User WHERE isRunning=1")->num_rows;
                    $this->insert("INSERT INTO UserHistory (userID, versionNumber, lastRank, lastNumPlayers, lastNumGames) VALUES ({$user['userID']}, {$user['numSubmissions']}, {$user['rank']}, {$numActiveUsers}, {$user['numGames']})");
            } else {
                // Didnt succeed
                $this->sendNotification($user, "Compilation Failure", "<p>The bot that you recently submitted to the Halite competition would not compile on our servers.</p><p>Our autocompile script <b>thought that your bot was written in \"{$language}\"</b>.</p><b>Here is a description of the compilation error</b>:<br><pre><code><br>{$_POST['errors']}</code></pre>", -1);
                $this->insert("UPDATE User SET compileStatus = 0 WHERE userID = " . $this->mysqli->real_escape_string($userID));