Validate::execute PHP 메소드

execute() 보호된 메소드

protected execute ( Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface $input, Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output )
$input Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface
$output Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface
    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        $io = new SymfonyStyle($input, $output);
        $advisoryFilter = function (SplFileInfo $file) {
            if ($file->isFile() && __DIR__ === $file->getPath()) {
                return false;
                // We want to skip root files
            if ($file->isDir()) {
                if (__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor' === $file->getPathname()) {
                    return false;
                    // We want to skip the vendor dir
                $dirName = $file->getFilename();
                if ('.' === $dirName[0]) {
                    return false;
                    // Exclude hidden folders (.git and IDE folders at the root)
            return true;
            // any other file gets checks and any other folder gets iterated
        $isAcceptableVersionConstraint = function ($versionString) {
            return (bool) preg_match('/^(\\<|\\>)(=){0,1}(([1-9]\\d*)|0)(\\.(([1-9]\\d*)|0))*(-(alpha|beta|rc)[1-9]\\d*){0,1}$/', $versionString);
        $messages = array();
        /* @var $dir \SplFileInfo[] */
        $dir = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator(__DIR__), $advisoryFilter));
        $progress = new ProgressBar($io, count(iterator_to_array($dir)));
        foreach ($dir as $file) {
            if (!$file->isFile()) {
            $path = str_replace(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '', $file->getPathname());
            if ('yaml' !== $file->getExtension()) {
                $messages[$path][] = 'The file extension should be ".yaml".';
            try {
                $data = $this->parser->parse(file_get_contents($file));
                // validate first level keys
                if ($keys = array_diff(array_keys($data), array('reference', 'branches', 'title', 'link', 'cve'))) {
                    foreach ($keys as $key) {
                        $messages[$path][] = sprintf('Key "%s" is not supported.', $key);
                // required keys
                foreach (array('reference', 'title', 'link', 'branches') as $key) {
                    if (!isset($data[$key])) {
                        $messages[$path][] = sprintf('Key "%s" is required.', $key);
                if (isset($data['reference'])) {
                    if (0 !== strpos($data['reference'], 'composer://')) {
                        $messages[$path][] = 'Reference must start with "composer://"';
                    } else {
                        $composerPackage = substr($data['reference'], 11);
                        if (str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', dirname($path)) !== $composerPackage) {
                            $messages[$path][] = 'Reference composer package must match the folder name';
                        // Temporary expception for #161 - magento/magento2ce package is not provided by packagist
                        if ('magento/magento2ce' != $composerPackage) {
                            $packagistUrl = sprintf('', $composerPackage);
                            if (404 == explode(' ', get_headers($packagistUrl)[0], 3)[1]) {
                                $messages[$path][] = sprintf('Invalid composer package');
                if (!isset($data['branches'])) {
                    // Don't validate branches when not set to avoid notices
                if (!is_array($data['branches'])) {
                    $messages[$path][] = '"branches" must be an array.';
                    // Don't validate branches when not set to avoid notices
                $upperBoundWithoutLowerBound = null;
                foreach ($data['branches'] as $name => $branch) {
                    if (!preg_match('/^([\\d\\.\\-]+(\\.x)?(\\-dev)?|master)$/', $name)) {
                        $messages[$path][] = sprintf('Invalid branch name "%s".', $name);
                    if ($keys = array_diff(array_keys($branch), array('time', 'versions'))) {
                        foreach ($keys as $key) {
                            $messages[$path][] = sprintf('Key "%s" is not supported for branch "%s".', $key, $name);
                    if (!isset($branch['time'])) {
                        $messages[$path][] = sprintf('Key "time" is required for branch "%s".', $name);
                    if (!isset($branch['versions'])) {
                        $messages[$path][] = sprintf('Key "versions" is required for branch "%s".', $name);
                    } elseif (!is_array($branch['versions'])) {
                        $messages[$path][] = sprintf('"versions" must be an array for branch "%s".', $name);
                    } else {
                        $upperBound = null;
                        $hasMin = false;
                        foreach ($branch['versions'] as $version) {
                            if (!$isAcceptableVersionConstraint($version)) {
                                $messages[$path][] = sprintf('Version constraint "%s" is not in an acceptable format.', $version);
                            if ('<' === substr($version, 0, 1)) {
                                $upperBound = $version;
                            if ('>' === substr($version, 0, 1)) {
                                $hasMin = true;
                        if (null === $upperBound) {
                            $messages[$path][] = sprintf('"versions" must have an upper bound for branch "%s".', $name);
                        if (!$hasMin && null === $upperBoundWithoutLowerBound) {
                            $upperBoundWithoutLowerBound = $upperBound;
                        // Branches can omit the lower bound only if their upper bound is the same than for other branches without lower bound.
                        if (!$hasMin && $upperBoundWithoutLowerBound !== $upperBound) {
                            $messages[$path][] = sprintf('"versions" must have a lower bound for branch "%s" to avoid overlapping lower branches.', $name);
            } catch (ParseException $e) {
                $messages[$path][] = sprintf('YAML is not valid (%s).', $e->getMessage());
        if ($messages) {
            $io->error(sprintf('Found %s issue%s in %s file%s.', $issues = array_sum(array_map('count', $messages)), 1 === $issues ? '' : 's', $files = count($messages), 1 === $files ? '' : 's'));
            $table = new Table($io);
            $table->setHeaders(array('File', 'Issues'));
            $files = array_keys($messages);
            $lastFile = array_pop($files);
            foreach ($messages as $file => $issues) {
                $table->addRow(array(new TableCell($file, array('rowspan' => count($issues))), array_shift($issues)));
                foreach ($issues as $issue) {
                if ($file !== $lastFile) {
                    $table->addRow(new TableSeparator());
        } else {
            $io->success('No issues found.');
        return count($messages);

Usage Example

예제 #1
 public function tralistAction($tra_id)
     if ($this->request->isAjax()) {
         $validate = new \Validate();
         $tra_scene = $validate->getPost('scene', \Validate::arr());
         $tra_id = (int) $tra_id;
         if ($validate->getMessage()) {
         $new_img = [];
         foreach ($tra_scene as $key => $val) {
             if (!isset($val['img']) || !isset($val['content']) || !isset($val['sort'])) {
             $tra_scene[$key]['sort'] = (int) $val['sort'];
             $tra_scene[$key]['content'] = $validate->execute($val['content'], \Validate::regex('/^[a-z0-9\\x{4e00}-\\x{9fa5}]{1,30}$/iu'));
             if ($validate->getMessage()) {
             $tra_scene[$key]['img'] = \Func::touchImg($val['img'], 'tra_scene');
             if (!$val['img']) {
             $new_img[] = UPLOAD_PATH . $tra_scene[$key]['img'];
         $result = (new \Scene())->updTrainScene($this->session->get('id'), $tra_id, $tra_scene);
         if ($result != 200) {
     $tra_id = (int) $tra_id;
     $scene = (new \Scene())->getTrainScene($tra_id);
     $this->view->setVars(['tra_id' => $tra_id, 'scene' => $scene]);