Zebra_Form::csrf PHP 메소드

csrf() 공개 메소드

Read more about specifics and a simple implementation on {@link http://shiflett.org/articles/cross-site-request-forgeries Chris Shiflett's website}. This method is automatically called by the library, so protection against CSRF attacks is enabled by default for all forms and the script will decide automatically on the method to use for storing the CSRF token: if a session is already started then the CSRF token will be stored in a session variable or, if a session is not started, the CSRF token will be stored in a session cookie (cookies that expire when the browser is closed) but, in this case, it offers a lower level of security. If cookies are used for storage, you'll have to make sure that Zebra_Form is instantiated before any output from your script (this is a protocol restriction) including <html> and <head> tags as well as any whitespace! A workaround is to turn output buffering on in php.ini. You are encouraged to start a PHP session before instantiating this class in order to maximize the level of security of your forms. The CSRF token is automatically regenerated when the form is submitted regardless if the form validated or not. A notable exception is that the form doesn't validate but was submitted via AJAX the CSRF token will not be regenerated - useful if you submit forms by AJAX. As an added benefit, protection against CSRF attacks prevents "double posts" by design. You only need to call this method if you want to change CSRF related settings. If you do call this method then you should call it right after instantiating the class and *before* calling the form's {@link validate()} and {@link render()} methods! recommended usage is: call session_start() somewhere in your code but before outputting anything to the browser session_start(); include the Zebra_Form require 'path/to/Zebra_Form.php'; instantiate the class protection against CSRF attack will be automatically enabled but will be less secure if a session is not started (as it will rely on cookies) $form = new Zebra_Form('my_form');
public csrf ( string $csrf_storage_method = 'auto', integer $csrf_token_lifetime, array $csrf_cookie_config = ['path' => '/', 'domain' => '', 'secure' => false, 'httponly' => true] ) : void
$csrf_storage_method string (Optional) Sets whether the CSRF token should be stored in a cookie, in a session variable, or let the script to automatically decide and use sessions if available or a cookie otherwise. Possible values are "auto", "cookie", "session" or boolean FALSE. If value is "auto", the script will decide automatically on what to use: if a session is already started then the CSRF token will be stored in a session variable, or, if a session is not started, the CSRF token will be stored in a cookie with the parameters as specified by the csrf_cookie_config argument (read below). If value is "cookie" the CSRF token will be stored in a cookie with the parameters as specified by the csrf_cookie_config argument (read below). If value is "session" the CSRF token will be stored in a session variable and thus a session must be started before instantiating the library. If value is boolean FALSE (not recommended), protection against CSRF attack will be disabled. The stored value will be compared, upon for submission, with the value stored in the associated hidden field, and if the two values do not match the form will not validate. Default is "auto". @param integer $csrf_token_lifetime (Optional) The number of seconds after which the CSRF token is to be considered as expired. If set to "0" the tokens will expire at the end of the session (when the browser closes or session expires). Note that if csrf_storage_method is set to "session" this value cannot be higher than the session's life time as, if idle, the session will time out regardless of this value! Default is 0. @param array $csrf_cookie_config (Optional) An associative array containing the properties to be used when setting the cookie with the CSRF token (if csrf_storage_method is set to "cookie"). The properties that can be set are "path", "domain", "secure" and "httponly". where: - path - the path on the server in which the cookie will be available on. If set to "/", the cookie will be available within the entire domain. If set to '/foo/', the cookie will only be available within the /foo/ directory and all subdirectories such as /foo/bar/ of domain.
Default is "/" - domain - The domain that the cookie will be available on. To make the cookie available on all subdomains of example.com, domain should be set to to ".example.com". The . (dot) is not required but makes it compatible with more browsers. Setting it to "www.example.com" will make the cookie available only in the www subdomain. - secure - Indicates whether cookie information should only be transmitted over a HTTPS connection.
Default is FALSE. - httponly - When set to TRUE the cookie will be made accessible only through the HTTP protocol. This means that the cookie won't be accessible by scripting languages, such as JavaScript. It has been suggested that this setting can effectively help to reduce identity theft through XSS attacks (although it is not supported by all browsers), but that claim is often disputed. Available only in PHP 5.2.0+
Default is FALSE Available only for PHP 5.2.0+ and will be ignored if not available. Not all properties must be set - for the properties that are not set, the default values will be used instead. @since 2.8.4 @return void
$csrf_token_lifetime integer
$csrf_cookie_config array
리턴 void
    function csrf($csrf_storage_method = 'auto', $csrf_token_lifetime = 0, $csrf_cookie_config = array('path' => '/', 'domain' => '', 'secure' => false, 'httponly' => true))
        // continue only if protection against CSRF attacks is not disabled and a token was not already generated
        if ($csrf_storage_method !== false && (func_num_args() > 0 || $this->form_properties['csrf_token'] == '')) {
            // set the storage method for the CSRF token
            $this->form_properties['csrf_storage_method'] = strtolower(trim($csrf_storage_method));
            // if the script should decide what method to use and a session is already started
            if ($this->form_properties['csrf_storage_method'] == 'auto') {
                // use sessions as storage method
                if (isset($_SESSION)) {
                    $this->form_properties['csrf_storage_method'] = 'session';
                } else {
                    $this->form_properties['csrf_storage_method'] = 'cookie';
            // set the life time of the CSRF token
            $this->form_properties['csrf_token_lifetime'] = $csrf_token_lifetime <= 0 ? 0 : $csrf_token_lifetime;
            // set the configuration options for cookies
            $this->form_properties['csrf_cookie_config'] = array_merge($this->form_properties['csrf_cookie_config'], $csrf_cookie_config);
            // generate a new CSRF token (if it is the case)
            // (if this method is called with any arguments it means it is called by the user and therefore the
            // token should be regenerated)
            $this->_csrf_generate_token(func_num_args() > 0 ? true : false);
            // if protection against CSRF attacks is disabled, save the option for later use
        } else {
            $this->form_properties['csrf_storage_method'] = false;