ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Symfony\Routing\ApiLoader::addRoute PHP 메소드

addRoute() 개인적인 메소드

Creates and adds a route for the given operation to the route collection.
private addRoute ( RouteCollection $routeCollection, string $resourceClass, string $operationName, array $operation, string $resourceShortName, boolean $collection )
$routeCollection Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection
$resourceClass string
$operationName string
$operation array
$resourceShortName string
$collection boolean
    private function addRoute(RouteCollection $routeCollection, string $resourceClass, string $operationName, array $operation, string $resourceShortName, bool $collection)
        if (isset($operation['route_name'])) {
        if (!isset($operation['method'])) {
            throw new RuntimeException('Either a "route_name" or a "method" operation attribute must exist.');
        $controller = $operation['controller'] ?? null;
        $collectionType = $collection ? 'collection' : 'item';
        $actionName = sprintf('%s_%s', strtolower($operation['method']), $collectionType);
        if (null === $controller) {
            $controller = self::DEFAULT_ACTION_PATTERN . $actionName;
            if (!$this->container->has($controller)) {
                throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('There is no builtin action for the %s %s operation. You need to define the controller yourself.', $collectionType, $operation['method']));
        if ($operationName !== strtolower($operation['method'])) {
            $actionName = sprintf('%s_%s', $operationName, $collection ? 'collection' : 'item');
        $path = $this->operationPathResolver->resolveOperationPath($resourceShortName, $operation, $collection);
        $resourceRouteName = Inflector::pluralize(Inflector::tableize($resourceShortName));
        $routeName = sprintf('%s%s_%s', self::ROUTE_NAME_PREFIX, $resourceRouteName, $actionName);
        $route = new Route($path, ['_controller' => $controller, '_format' => null, '_api_resource_class' => $resourceClass, sprintf('_api_%s_operation_name', $collection ? 'collection' : 'item') => $operationName], [], [], '', [], [$operation['method']]);
        $routeCollection->add($routeName, $route);