App\Http\Controllers\RoutesController::index PHP 메소드

index() 공개 메소드

public index ( ) : Illuminate\View\View
리턴 Illuminate\View\View
    public function index()
        //        //TODO: Warn of any routes in our DB that is not used in the app.
        Audit::log(Auth::user()->id, trans('admin/routes/general.audit-log.category'), trans('admin/routes/general.audit-log.msg-index'));
        $page_title = trans('admin/routes/');
        $page_description = trans('admin/routes/');
        $routes = $this->route->pushCriteria(new RoutesWithPermissions())->pushCriteria(new RoutesByPathAscending())->pushCriteria(new RoutesByMethodAscending())->paginate(20);
        $perms = $this->permission->all()->lists('display_name', 'id');
        // SR [2016-03-20] Cannot add/prepend a blank item as it reshuffles the array index.
        // This cause the permission to not be recognized by the code building the view and
        // matching permission with each route. From now on un-setting the permission of a
        // few is unsupported by design.
        //        $perms = $perms->toArray(0);
        //        array_unshift($perms, '');
        return view('admin.routes.index', compact('routes', 'perms', 'page_title', 'page_description'));