Aws\S3\S3Client::getArguments PHP 메소드

getArguments() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static getArguments ( )
    public static function getArguments()
        $args = parent::getArguments();
        $args['retries']['fn'] = [__CLASS__, '_applyRetryConfig'];
        $args['api_provider']['fn'] = [__CLASS__, '_applyApiProvider'];
        return $args + ['bucket_endpoint' => ['type' => 'config', 'valid' => ['bool'], 'doc' => 'Set to true to send requests to a hardcoded ' . 'bucket endpoint rather than create an endpoint as a ' . 'result of injecting the bucket into the URL. This ' . 'option is useful for interacting with CNAME endpoints.'], 'use_accelerate_endpoint' => ['type' => 'config', 'valid' => ['bool'], 'doc' => 'Set to true to send requests to an S3 Accelerate' . ' endpoint by default. Can be enabled or disabled on' . ' individual operations by setting' . ' \'@use_accelerate_endpoint\' to true or false. Note:' . ' you must enable S3 Accelerate on a bucket before it can' . ' be accessed via an Accelerate endpoint.', 'default' => false], 'use_dual_stack_endpoint' => ['type' => 'config', 'valid' => ['bool'], 'doc' => 'Set to true to send requests to an S3 Dual Stack' . ' endpoint by default, which enables IPv6 Protocol.' . ' Can be enabled or disabled on individual operations by setting' . ' \'@use_dual_stack_endpoint\' to true or false.', 'default' => false]];