Blast\Orm\Hydrator\EntityHydrator::hydrate PHP 메소드

hydrate() 공개 메소드

public hydrate ( array $data = [], string $option = self::HYDRATE_AUTO ) : mixed
$data array
$option string
리턴 mixed
    public function hydrate($data = [], $option = self::HYDRATE_AUTO)
        $option = $this->determineOption($data, $option);
        switch ($option) {
            case self::HYDRATE_RAW:
                return $data;
                //if entity set has many items, return a collection of entities
            //if entity set has many items, return a collection of entities
            case self::HYDRATE_COLLECTION:
                return $this->hydrateCollection($data);
                //if entity has one item, return the entity
            //if entity has one item, return the entity
            case self::HYDRATE_ENTITY:
                $data = $this->isCollectable($data) ? array_shift($data) : $data;
                return $this->hydrateEntity($data);
        throw new \LogicException('Unknown option ' . $option);