Bolt\Configuration\ResourceManager::initializeRequest PHP 메소드

initializeRequest() 공개 메소드

Takes a Request object and uses it to initialize settings that depend on the request.
public initializeRequest ( Silex\Application $app, Request $request = null )
$app Silex\Application
$request Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request
    public function initializeRequest(Application $app, Request $request = null)
        if ($request === null) {
            $request = Request::createFromGlobals();
        // This is where we set the canonical. Note: The protocol (scheme) defaults to 'http',
        // and the path is discarded, as it makes no sense in this context: Bolt always
        // determines the path for a page / record. This is not the canonical's job.
        $canonical = $app['config']->get('general/canonical', '');
        if ($canonical !== '' && strpos($canonical, 'http') !== 0) {
            $canonical = 'http://' . $canonical;
        $canonical = parse_url($canonical);
        if (empty($canonical['scheme'])) {
            $canonical['scheme'] = 'http';
        if (empty($canonical['host'])) {
            $canonical['host'] = $request->server->get('HTTP_HOST');
        $this->setRequest('canonical', sprintf('%s://%s', $canonical['scheme'], $canonical['host']));
        // Set the current protocol. Default to http, unless otherwise.
        $protocol = 'http';
        if ($request->server->get('HTTPS') == 'on' || $request->server->get('SERVER_PROTOCOL') == 'https' || $request->server->get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO') == 'https' || $request->server->get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL') == 'on') {
            $protocol = 'https';
        } elseif ($request->server->get('SERVER_PROTOCOL') === null) {
            $protocol = 'cli';
        $rootUrl = rtrim($this->getUrl('root'), '/');
        if ($rootUrl !== $request->getBasePath()) {
            $this->urlPrefix = $request->getBasePath();
        $this->setRequest('protocol', $protocol);
        $hostname = $request->server->get('HTTP_HOST', 'localhost');
        $this->setRequest('hostname', $hostname);
        $current = $request->getBasePath() . $request->getPathInfo();
        $this->setUrl('current', $current);
        $this->setUrl('currenturl', sprintf('%s://%s%s', $protocol, $hostname, $current));
        $this->setUrl('hosturl', sprintf('%s://%s', $protocol, $hostname));
        $this->setUrl('rooturl', sprintf('%s%s/', $this->getRequest('canonical'), $rootUrl));
        $url = sprintf('%s%s', $this->getRequest('canonical'), $current);
        if (PagerManager::isPagingRequest($request)) {
            $url .= '?' . http_build_query($request->query->all());
        $this->setUrl('canonicalurl', $url);