Cassandra\UuidTest::testUniqueInChild PHP 메소드

testUniqueInChild() 공개 메소드

This test will ensure that the PHP driver is producing unique UUIDs for all child processes that get created during fork() operations in web servers (e.g. Apache, nginx, ...etc).
public testUniqueInChild ( )
    public function testUniqueInChild()
        if (!function_exists("pcntl_fork")) {
            $this->markTestSkipped("Unable to Execute testUniqueInChild Unit Test: pcntl_fork() does not exists");
        } else {
            // Create a PHP script to call within a PHPUnit test (exit call fails test)
            $script = <<<EOF
// Get and open the file for appending child UUIDs
\$uuidsFilename = \$_SERVER['argv'][1];
\$numberOfForks = \$_SERVER['argv'][2];

// Create requested children process; create UUIDs and append to a file
\$children = array();
foreach (range(1, \$numberOfForks) as \$i) {
    // Create the child process
    \$pid = pcntl_fork();

    // Ensure the child process was create successfully
    if (\$pid < 0) {
        die("Unable to Create Fork: Unique UUID test cannot complete");
    } else if (\$pid === 0) {
        // Create a UUID and add it to the file
        \$uuid = new \\Cassandra\\Uuid();
        file_put_contents(\$uuidsFilename, \$uuid->uuid() . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);

        // Terminate child process
    } else {
        // Parent process: Add the process ID to force waiting on children
        \$children[] = \$pid;

// Wait on each child process to finish
foreach (\$children as \$pid) {
    pcntl_waitpid(\$pid, \$status);
            $numProcesses = 64;
            // Execute the PHP script passing in the filename for the UUIDs to be stored
            $uuidsFilename = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "uuid");
            $scriptFilename = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "uuid");
            file_put_contents($scriptFilename, $script, FILE_APPEND);
            exec(PHP_BINARY . " {$scriptFilename} {$uuidsFilename} {$numProcesses}");
            // Get the contents of the file
            $uuids = file($uuidsFilename);
            // Ensure all the UUIDs are unique
            $this->assertEquals($numProcesses, count(array_unique($uuids)));