Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager::parseDatabaseUrl PHP 메소드

parseDatabaseUrl() 개인적인 정적인 메소드

Extracts parts from a database URL, if present, and returns an updated list of parameters.
private static parseDatabaseUrl ( array $params ) : array
$params array The list of parameters.
리턴 array A modified list of parameters with info from a database URL extracted into indidivual parameter parts.
    private static function parseDatabaseUrl(array $params)
        if (!isset($params['url'])) {
            return $params;
        // (pdo_)?sqlite3?:///... => (pdo_)?sqlite3?://localhost/... or else the URL will be invalid
        $url = preg_replace('#^((?:pdo_)?sqlite3?):///#', '$1://localhost/', $params['url']);
        // PHP < 5.4.8 doesn't parse schemeless urls properly.
        // See:
        if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50408 && strpos($url, '//') === 0) {
            $url = parse_url('fake:' . $url);
        } else {
            $url = parse_url($url);
        if ($url === false) {
            throw new DBALException('Malformed parameter "url".');
        // If we have a connection URL, we have to unset the default PDO instance connection parameter (if any)
        // as we cannot merge connection details from the URL into the PDO instance (URL takes precedence).
        $params = self::parseDatabaseUrlScheme($url, $params);
        if (isset($url['host'])) {
            $params['host'] = $url['host'];
        if (isset($url['port'])) {
            $params['port'] = $url['port'];
        if (isset($url['user'])) {
            $params['user'] = $url['user'];
        if (isset($url['pass'])) {
            $params['password'] = $url['pass'];
        $params = self::parseDatabaseUrlPath($url, $params);
        $params = self::parseDatabaseUrlQuery($url, $params);
        return $params;