lithium\core\Adaptable::_class PHP 메소드

_class() 보호된 정적인 메소드

Looks up an adapter by class by name.
또한 보기: lithium\core\libraries::locate()
protected static _class ( array $config, array $paths = [] ) : string
$config array Configuration array of class to be found.
$paths array Optional array of search paths that will be checked.
리턴 string Returns a fully-namespaced class reference to the adapter class.
    protected static function _class($config, $paths = array())
        if (!($name = $config['adapter'])) {
            $self = get_called_class();
            throw new ConfigException("No adapter set for configuration in class `{$self}`.");
        if (!($class = static::_locate($paths, $name))) {
            $self = get_called_class();
            throw new ConfigException("Could not find adapter `{$name}` in class `{$self}`.");
        return $class;

Usage Example

예제 #1
  * Constructs a data source or adapter object instance from a configuration array.
  * @param array $config
  * @param array $paths
  * @return object
 protected static function _class($config, $paths = array())
     if (!$config['adapter']) {
         $config['adapter'] = $config['type'];
     } else {
         $paths = array_merge(array("{$config['type']}"), (array) $paths);
     return parent::_class($config, $paths);