Marcelgwerder\ApiHandler\Parser::parseFullTextSearch PHP 메소드

parseFullTextSearch() 보호된 메소드

Parse the fulltext search parameter q
protected parseFullTextSearch ( string $qParam, array $fullTextSearchColumns ) : void
$qParam string
$fullTextSearchColumns array
리턴 void
    protected function parseFullTextSearch($qParam, $fullTextSearchColumns)
        if ($qParam == '') {
            //Add where that will never be true
            $this->query->whereRaw('0 = 1');
        $fulltextType = Config::get('apihandler.fulltext');
        if ($fulltextType == 'native') {
            //Use pdo's quote method to be protected against sql-injections.
            //The usual placeholders unfortunately don't seem to work using AGAINST().
            $qParam = $this->query->getConnection()->getPdo()->quote($qParam);
            //Use native fulltext search
            $this->query->whereRaw('MATCH(' . implode(',', $fullTextSearchColumns) . ') AGAINST("' . $qParam . '" IN BOOLEAN MODE)');
            //Add the * to the selects because of the score column
            if (count($this->query->columns) == 0) {
            //Add the score column
            $scoreColumn = Config::get('apihandler.fulltext_score_column');
            $this->query->addSelect($this->query->raw('MATCH(' . implode(',', $fullTextSearchColumns) . ') AGAINST("' . $qParam . '" IN BOOLEAN MODE) as `' . $scoreColumn . '`'));
        } else {
            $keywords = explode(' ', $qParam);
            //Use default php implementation
            $this->query->where(function ($query) use($fullTextSearchColumns, $keywords) {
                foreach ($fullTextSearchColumns as $column) {
                    foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
                        $query->orWhere($column, 'LIKE', '%' . $keyword . '%');