Neos\Fusion\Tests\Unit\Core\ParserTest::parserCorrectlyParsesFixture04 PHP 메소드

parserCorrectlyParsesFixture04() 공개 메소드

checks if the object tree returned by the TypoScript parser reflects source code fixture 04
    public function parserCorrectlyParsesFixture04()
        $sourceCode = $this->readTypoScriptFixture('ParserTestTypoScriptFixture04');
        $expectedParseTree = array('myArrayObject' => array('__objectType' => 'Neos.Fusion:ContentArray', '__value' => null, '__eelExpression' => null, 10 => array('__objectType' => 'Neos.Fusion:Text', '__value' => null, '__eelExpression' => null, 'value' => 'Hello ', '__meta' => array('position' => 'after 10')), 20 => array('__objectType' => 'Neos.Fusion:Text', '__value' => null, '__eelExpression' => null, 'value' => 'world!'), 30 => array('__objectType' => 'Neos.Fusion:ContentArray', '__value' => null, '__eelExpression' => null, 20 => array('__objectType' => 'Neos.Fusion:ContentArray', '__value' => null, '__eelExpression' => null, 10 => array('__objectType' => 'Neos.Fusion:Text', '__value' => null, '__eelExpression' => null, 'value' => 'Huh?')))), 'anotherObject' => array('sub1' => array('sub2' => array('sub3' => array('__objectType' => 'Neos.Fusion:ContentArray', '__value' => null, '__eelExpression' => null, 1 => array('__objectType' => 'Neos.Fusion:Text', '__value' => null, '__eelExpression' => null, 'value' => 'Yawn'))))));
        $actualParseTree = $this->parser->parse($sourceCode);
        $this->assertSame($expectedParseTree, $actualParseTree, 'The parse tree was not as expected after parsing fixture 04.');