Networking\InitCmsBundle\Form\Type\AutocompleteType::configureOptions PHP 메소드

configureOptions() 공개 메소드

public configureOptions ( Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver $resolver )
$resolver Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver
    public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
        $registry = $this->registry;
        $choiceListFactory = $this->choiceListFactory;
        $idReaders =& $this->idReaders;
        $choiceLoaders =& $this->choiceLoaders;
        $type = $this;
        $choiceLoader = function (Options $options) use($choiceListFactory, &$choiceLoaders, $type) {
            // Unless the choices are given explicitly, load them on demand
            if (null === $options['choices']) {
                $hash = null;
                $qbParts = null;
                // If there is no QueryBuilder we can safely cache DoctrineChoiceLoader,
                // also if concrete Type can return important QueryBuilder parts to generate
                // hash key we go for it as well
                if (!$options['query_builder'] || false !== ($qbParts = $type->getQueryBuilderPartsForCachingHash($options['query_builder']))) {
                    $hash = CachingFactoryDecorator::generateHash(array($options['em'], $options['class'], $qbParts, $options['loader']));
                    if (isset($choiceLoaders[$hash])) {
                        return $choiceLoaders[$hash];
                if ($options['loader']) {
                    $entityLoader = $options['loader'];
                } elseif (null !== $options['query_builder']) {
                    $entityLoader = $type->getLoader($options['em'], $options['query_builder'], $options['class'], $options['query_hints']);
                } else {
                    $queryBuilder = $options['em']->getRepository($options['class'])->createQueryBuilder('e');
                    $entityLoader = $type->getLoader($options['em'], $queryBuilder, $options['class'], $options['query_hints']);
                $doctrineChoiceLoader = new DoctrineChoiceLoader($choiceListFactory, $options['em'], $options['class'], $options['id_reader'], $entityLoader);
                if ($hash !== null) {
                    $choiceLoaders[$hash] = $doctrineChoiceLoader;
                return $doctrineChoiceLoader;
        $choiceLabel = function (Options $options) {
            // BC with the "property" option
            if ($options['property']) {
                return $options['property'];
            // BC: use __toString() by default
            return array(__CLASS__, 'createChoiceLabel');
        $choiceName = function (Options $options) {
            /** @var IdReader $idReader */
            $idReader = $options['id_reader'];
            // If the object has a single-column, numeric ID, use that ID as
            // field name. We can only use numeric IDs as names, as we cannot
            // guarantee that a non-numeric ID contains a valid form name
            if ($idReader->isIntId()) {
                return array(__CLASS__, 'createChoiceName');
            // Otherwise, an incrementing integer is used as name automatically
        // The choices are always indexed by ID (see "choices" normalizer
        // and DoctrineChoiceLoader), unless the ID is composite. Then they
        // are indexed by an incrementing integer.
        // Use the ID/incrementing integer as choice value.
        $choiceValue = function (Options $options) {
            /** @var IdReader $idReader */
            $idReader = $options['id_reader'];
            // If the entity has a single-column ID, use that ID as value
            if ($idReader->isSingleId()) {
                return array($idReader, 'getIdValue');
            // Otherwise, an incrementing integer is used as value automatically
        $emNormalizer = function (Options $options, $em) use($registry) {
            /* @var ManagerRegistry $registry */
            if (null !== $em) {
                if ($em instanceof ObjectManager) {
                    return $em;
                return $registry->getManager($em);
            $em = $registry->getManagerForClass($options['class']);
            if (null === $em) {
                throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Class "%s" seems not to be a managed Doctrine entity. ' . 'Did you forget to map it?', $options['class']));
            return $em;
        // deprecation note
        $propertyNormalizer = function (Options $options, $propertyName) {
            if ($propertyName) {
                @trigger_error('The "property" option is deprecated since version 2.7 and will be removed in 3.0. Use "choice_label" instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
            return $propertyName;
        // Invoke the query builder closure so that we can cache choice lists
        // for equal query builders
        $queryBuilderNormalizer = function (Options $options, $queryBuilder) {
            if (is_callable($queryBuilder)) {
                $queryBuilder = call_user_func($queryBuilder, $options['em']->getRepository($options['class']));
                if (null !== $queryBuilder && !$queryBuilder instanceof QueryBuilder) {
                    throw new UnexpectedTypeException($queryBuilder, 'Doctrine\\ORM\\QueryBuilder');
            return $queryBuilder;
        // deprecation note
        $loaderNormalizer = function (Options $options, $loader) {
            if ($loader) {
                @trigger_error('The "loader" option is deprecated since version 2.7 and will be removed in 3.0. Override getLoader() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
            return $loader;
        // Set the "id_reader" option via the normalizer. This option is not
        // supposed to be set by the user.
        $idReaderNormalizer = function (Options $options) use(&$idReaders) {
            $hash = CachingFactoryDecorator::generateHash(array($options['em'], $options['class']));
            // The ID reader is a utility that is needed to read the object IDs
            // when generating the field values. The callback generating the
            // field values has no access to the object manager or the class
            // of the field, so we store that information in the reader.
            // The reader is cached so that two choice lists for the same class
            // (and hence with the same reader) can successfully be cached.
            if (!isset($idReaders[$hash])) {
                $classMetadata = $options['em']->getClassMetadata($options['class']);
                $idReaders[$hash] = new IdReader($options['em'], $classMetadata);
            return $idReaders[$hash];
        $resolver->setDefaults(array('em' => null, 'property' => null, 'query_builder' => null, 'loader' => null, 'choices' => null, 'choices_as_values' => true, 'choice_loader' => $choiceLoader, 'choice_label' => $choiceLabel, 'choice_name' => $choiceName, 'choice_value' => $choiceValue, 'id_reader' => null, 'choice_translation_domain' => false, 'query_hints' => array()));
        $resolver->setNormalizer('em', $emNormalizer);
        $resolver->setNormalizer('property', $propertyNormalizer);
        $resolver->setNormalizer('query_builder', $queryBuilderNormalizer);
        $resolver->setNormalizer('loader', $loaderNormalizer);
        $resolver->setNormalizer('id_reader', $idReaderNormalizer);
        $resolver->setAllowedTypes('em', array('null', 'string', 'Doctrine\\Common\\Persistence\\ObjectManager'));
        $resolver->setAllowedTypes('loader', array('null', 'Symfony\\Bridge\\Doctrine\\Form\\ChoiceList\\EntityLoaderInterface'));
        $resolver->setAllowedTypes('query_builder', array('null', 'callable', 'Doctrine\\ORM\\QueryBuilder'));
        $resolver->setAllowedTypes('query_hints', array('array'));