Newscoop\Installer\Services\FinishService::saveCronjobs PHP 메소드

saveCronjobs() 공개 메소드

Save newscoop cronjobs in user cronjob file
public saveCronjobs ( Newscoop\SchedulerServiceInterface $scheduler ) : bolean
$scheduler Newscoop\SchedulerServiceInterface Cron job scheduler service
리턴 bolean
    public function saveCronjobs(SchedulerServiceInterface $scheduler)
        $binDirectory = 'bin';
        $appDirectory = 'application/console';
        $scheduler->registerJob("Autopublish pending issues and articles", array('command' => $binDirectory . '/newscoop-autopublish', 'schedule' => '* * * * *'));
        $scheduler->registerJob("Runs Newscoop Indexer - articles indexing", array('command' => $binDirectory . '/newscoop-indexer --silent', 'schedule' => '0 */4 * * *'));
        $scheduler->registerJob("Send Newscoop subscriptions notifications", array('command' => $binDirectory . '/subscription-notifier', 'schedule' => '0 */8 * * *'));
        $scheduler->registerJob("Send Newscoop events notifications", array('command' => $binDirectory . '/events-notifier', 'schedule' => '*/2 * * * *'));
        $scheduler->registerJob("Remove old statistics from Newscoop database", array('command' => $binDirectory . '/newscoop-statistics', 'schedule' => '0 */4 * * *'));
        $scheduler->registerJob("Send Newscoop stats to Sourcefabric", array('command' => $binDirectory . '/newscoop-stats', 'schedule' => '0 5 * * *'));
        $scheduler->registerJob("Remove obsolete pending users data", array('command' => $appDirectory . ' user:garbage', 'schedule' => '30 0 * * *'));
        $scheduler->registerJob("Display the last 7 days logged actions when going to Configure -> Logs. All the rest are stored in newscoop-audit.log.", array('command' => $appDirectory . ' log:maintenance', 'schedule' => '30 1 * * *', 'enabled' => false, 'detailsUrl' => ''));
        $crontab = new Crontab();
        $job = new Job();
        $job->setMinute('*')->setHour('*')->setDayOfMonth('*')->setMonth('*')->setDayOfWeek('*')->setCommand(sprintf('php %s/%s scheduler:run', realpath($this->newscoopDir), $appDirectory));
        return true;

Usage Example

  * @see Console\Command\Command
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $container = $this->getApplication()->getKernel()->getContainer();
     $output->writeln('<info>Welcome to Newscoop Installer.<info>');
     $symfonyRequirements = new \SymfonyRequirements();
     $requirements = $symfonyRequirements->getRequirements();
     $missingReq = array();
     foreach ($requirements as $req) {
         if (!$req->isFulfilled()) {
             $missingReq[] = $req->getTestMessage() . ' - ' . $req->getHelpText();
     $fixCommonIssues = $input->getOption('fix');
     if (count($missingReq) > 0 && !$fixCommonIssues) {
         $output->writeln('<info>Before we start we need to fix some requirements.<info>');
         $output->writeln('<info>Please read all messages and try to fix them:<info>');
         foreach ($missingReq as $value) {
             $output->writeln('<error>' . $value . '<error>');
         $output->writeln('<error>Use --fix param to fix those errors<error>');
     } elseif (count($missingReq) > 0 && $fixCommonIssues) {
         $newscoopDir = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../../../../');
         // set chmods for directories
         exec('chmod -R 777 ' . $newscoopDir . '/cache/');
         exec('chmod -R 777 ' . $newscoopDir . '/log/');
         exec('chmod -R 777 ' . $newscoopDir . '/conf/');
         exec('chmod -R 777 ' . $newscoopDir . '/library/Proxy/');
         exec('chmod -R 777 ' . $newscoopDir . '/themes/');
         exec('chmod -R 777 ' . $newscoopDir . '/plugins/');
         exec('chmod -R 777 ' . $newscoopDir . '/public/');
         exec('chmod -R 777 ' . $newscoopDir . '/images/');
     $dbParams = array('driver' => 'pdo_mysql', 'charset' => 'utf8', 'host' => $input->getOption('database_server_name'), 'dbname' => $input->getOption('database_name'), 'port' => $input->getOption('database_server_port'));
     if ($input->getOption('database_user')) {
         $dbParams['user'] = $input->getOption('database_user');
     if ($input->getOption('database_password')) {
         $dbParams['password'] = $input->getOption('database_password');
     $databaseService = new Services\DatabaseService($container->get('logger'));
     $finishService = new Services\FinishService();
     $demositeService = new Services\DemositeService($container->get('logger'));
     $connection = DriverManager::getConnection($dbParams);
     try {
         if ($connection->getDatabase() === null) {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         if ($e->getCode() == '1049') {
         } elseif (strpos($e->getMessage(), 'database exists') === false) {
             throw $e;
     $output->writeln('<info>Successfully connected to database.<info>');
     $tables = $connection->fetchAll('SHOW TABLES', array());
     if (count($tables) == 0 || $input->getOption('database_override')) {
     } else {
         throw new \Exception('There is already a database named ' . $connection->getDatabase() . '. If you are sure to overwrite it, use option --database_override. If not, just change the Database Name and continue.', 1);
     $command = $this->getApplication()->find('cache:clear');
     $arguments = array('command' => 'cache:clear', '--no-warmup' => true);
     $inputCache = new ArrayInput($arguments);
     $command->run($inputCache, $output);
     $databaseService->installDatabaseSchema($connection, $input->getArgument('alias'), $input->getArgument('site_title'));
     $output->writeln('<info>Database schema has been processed successfully.<info>');
     $output->writeln('<info>Empty theme has been installed successfully.<info>');
     $clearEm = \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager::create($connection, $container->get('em')->getConfiguration(), $connection->getEventManager());
     $finishService->saveCronjobs(new \Newscoop\Services\SchedulerService($clearEm));
     $output->writeln('<info>Cronjobs have been saved successfully<info>');
     $output->writeln('<info>Proxies have been generated successfully<info>');
     $output->writeln('<info>Assets have been installed successfully<info>');
     $finishService->saveInstanceConfig(array('site_title' => $input->getArgument('site_title'), 'user_email' => $input->getArgument('user_email'), 'recheck_user_password' => $input->getArgument('user_password')), $connection);
     $output->writeln('<info>Config have been saved successfully.<info>');
     if (!$input->getOption('no-client')) {
         $output->writeln('<info>Default OAuth client has been created successfully.<info>');
     $output->writeln('<info>Newscoop is installed.<info>');