Newscoop\PluginGeneratorBundle\Generator\BundleGenerator::generate PHP 메소드

generate() 공개 메소드

public generate ( $vendor, $pluginName, $namespace, $bundle, $dir, $format, $structure, $admin, $zip )
    public function generate($vendor, $pluginName, $namespace, $bundle, $dir, $format, $structure, $admin, $zip)
        $dir .= '/' . strtr($namespace, array(ucwords($vendor) => '', '\\' => '', '\\/' => ''));
        if (file_exists($dir)) {
            if (!is_dir($dir)) {
                throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Unable to generate the bundle as the target directory "%s" exists but is a file.', realpath($dir)));
            $files = scandir($dir);
            if ($files != array('.', '..')) {
                throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Unable to generate the bundle as the target directory "%s" is not empty.', realpath($dir)));
            if (!is_writable($dir)) {
                throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Unable to generate the bundle as the target directory "%s" is not writable.', realpath($dir)));
        $basename = substr($bundle, 0, -6);
        $parameters = array('vendor' => $vendor, 'admin' => $admin, 'pluginName' => $pluginName, 'namespace' => $namespace, 'bundle' => $bundle, 'format' => $format, 'bundle_basename' => $basename, 'extension_alias' => Container::underscore($basename));
        $this->renderFile('bundle/composer.json.twig', $dir . '/composer.json', $parameters);
        $this->renderFile('bundle/Bundle.php.twig', $dir . '/' . $bundle . '.php', $parameters);
        $this->renderFile('bundle/Extension.php.twig', $dir . '/DependencyInjection/' . $basename . 'Extension.php', $parameters);
        $this->renderFile('bundle/Configuration.php.twig', $dir . '/DependencyInjection/Configuration.php', $parameters);
        $this->renderFile('bundle/LifecycleSubscriber.php.twig', $dir . '/EventListener/LifecycleSubscriber.php', $parameters);
        $this->renderFile('bundle/DefaultController.php.twig', $dir . '/Controller/' . $pluginName . 'Controller.php', $parameters);
        $this->renderFile('bundle/DefaultControllerTest.php.twig', $dir . '/Tests/Controller/' . $pluginName . 'ControllerTest.php', $parameters);
        $this->renderFile('bundle/index.html.twig.twig', $dir . '/Resources/views/' . $pluginName . '/index.html.twig', $parameters);
        if ('xml' === $format || 'annotation' === $format) {
            $this->renderFile('bundle/services.xml.twig', $dir . '/Resources/config/services.xml', $parameters);
        } else {
            $this->renderFile('bundle/services.' . $format . '.twig', $dir . '/Resources/config/services.' . $format, $parameters);
        if ('annotation' != $format) {
            $this->renderFile('bundle/routing.' . $format . '.twig', $dir . '/Resources/config/routing.' . $format, $parameters);
        if ($admin) {
            $this->renderFile('bundle/ConfigurationMenuListener.php.twig', $dir . '/EventListener/ConfigurationMenuListener.php', $parameters);
            $this->renderFile('bundle/AdminController.php.twig', $dir . '/Controller/AdminController.php', $parameters);
            $this->renderFile('bundle/admin.index.html.twig.twig', $dir . '/Resources/views/Admin/index.html.twig', $parameters);
        if ($structure) {
            $this->renderFile('bundle/', $dir . '/Resources/translations/', $parameters);
            $this->filesystem->mkdir($dir . '/Resources/doc');
            $this->filesystem->touch($dir . '/Resources/doc/index.rst');
            $this->filesystem->mkdir($dir . '/Resources/translations');
            $this->filesystem->mkdir($dir . '/Resources/public/css');
            $this->filesystem->mkdir($dir . '/Resources/public/images');
            $this->filesystem->mkdir($dir . '/Resources/public/js');
        if ($zip) {
            $zipFilePath = dirname($this->container->getParameter('kernel.root_dir')) . '/plugins/private_plugins/' . $vendor . $pluginName . '';
            $zipFile = new \ZipArchive();
            // open archive
            if ($zipFile->open($zipFilePath, \ZipArchive::CREATE | \ZipArchive::OVERWRITE) !== TRUE) {
                throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Could not create zip archive "%s".', realpath($zipFilePath)));
            $dirPathLength = strlen($dir);
            // initialize an iterator
            // pass it the directory to be processed
            $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir));
            // iterate over the directory
            // add each file found to the archive
            $addedDirs = array('/');
            foreach ($iterator as $key => $value) {
                $fname = substr($key, $dirPathLength);
                if (strlen($fname) > 0 && !in_array(basename($fname), array('.', '..'))) {
                    if (!in_array(dirname($fname), $addedDirs)) {
                        if (!$zipFile->addEmptyDir(dirname($fname))) {
                            return false;
                        $addedDirs[] = dirname($fname);
                    if (!$zipFile->addFile(realpath($key), ltrim($fname, '/'))) {
                        throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Could not add file to zip archive "%s".', $key));
            // close and save archive
            if (!$zipFile->close()) {
                throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Could not save zip archive "%s".', realpath($zipFilePath)));