Nvd\Crud\Commands\Crud::generateRouteModelBinding PHP 메소드

generateRouteModelBinding() 공개 메소드

    public function generateRouteModelBinding()
        $declaration = "\$router->model('" . $this->route() . "', 'App\\" . $this->modelClassName() . "');";
        $providerFile = app_path('Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php');
        $fileContent = file_get_contents($providerFile);
        if (strpos($fileContent, $declaration) == false) {
            $regex = "/(public\\s*function\\s*boot\\s*\\(\\s*Router\\s*.router\\s*\\)\\s*\\{)/";
            if (preg_match($regex, $fileContent)) {
                $fileContent = preg_replace($regex, "\$1\n\t\t" . $declaration, $fileContent);
                file_put_contents($providerFile, $fileContent);
                $this->info("Route model binding inserted successfully in " . $providerFile);
                return true;
            // match was not found for some reason
            $this->warn("Could not add route model binding for the route '" . $this->route() . "'.");
            $this->warn("Please add the following line manually in {$providerFile}:");
            return false;
        // already exists
        $this->info("Model binding for the route: '" . $this->route() . "' already exists.");
        return false;