PhpBrew\VariantBuilder::build PHP 메소드

build() 공개 메소드

Build variants to configure options from php build object.
public build ( Build $build ) : array | void
$build Build The build object, contains version information
리턴 array | void
    public function build(Build $build)
        $customVirtualVariants = Config::getConfigParam('variants');
        foreach (array_keys($build->getVariants()) as $variantName) {
            if (isset($customVirtualVariants[$variantName])) {
                foreach ($customVirtualVariants[$variantName] as $lib => $params) {
                    if (is_array($params)) {
                        $this->variants[$lib] = $params;
        // reset builtList
        $this->builtList = array();
        // reset built options
        if ($build->hasVariant('all') || $build->hasVariant('neutral')) {
            $this->options = array();
        } else {
            // build common options
            $this->options = array('--disable-all', '--enable-phar', '--enable-session', '--enable-short-tags', '--enable-tokenizer', '--with-pcre-regex');
            if ($prefix = Utils::findIncludePrefix('zlib.h')) {
                $this->addOptions('--with-zlib=' . $prefix);
        if ($prefix = Utils::findLibPrefix('x86_64-linux-gnu')) {
        } elseif ($prefix = Utils::findLibPrefix('i386-linux-gnu')) {
        if ($build->compareVersion('5.6') >= 0) {
        // enable/expand virtual variants
        foreach ($this->virtualVariants as $name => $variantNames) {
            if ($build->isEnabledVariant($name)) {
                foreach ($variantNames as $subVariantName) {
                    // enable the sub-variant only if it's not already enabled
                    // in order to not override a non-default value with the default
                    if (!$build->isEnabledVariant($subVariantName)) {
                // it's a virtual variant, can not be built by buildVariant
                // method.
        // Remove these enabled variant for disabled variants.
        // before we build these options from variants,
        // we need to check the enabled and disabled variants
        foreach ($build->getVariants() as $feature => $userValue) {
            if ($options = $this->buildVariant($build, $feature, $userValue)) {
        foreach ($build->getDisabledVariants() as $feature => $true) {
            if ($options = $this->buildDisableVariant($build, $feature)) {
        $opts = array_merge( $opts ,
            $this->getVersionSpecificOptions($version) );
        $options = array_merge(array(), $this->options);
        // reset options
        $this->options = array();
        return $options;

Usage Example

예제 #1
    public function execute($version)
        $distUrl = NULL;
        $versionInfo = array();
        $releaseList = ReleaseList::getReadyInstance();
        $versionDslParser = new VersionDslParser();
        $clean = new MakeTask($this->logger, $this->options);
        if ($root = $this->options->root) {
        if ($home = $this->options->home) {
        if ('latest' === strtolower($version)) {
            $version = $releaseList->getLatestVersion();
        // this should point to master or the latest version branch yet to be released
        if ('next' === strtolower($version)) {
            $version = "";
        if ($info = $versionDslParser->parse($version)) {
            $version = $info['version'];
            $distUrl = $info['url'];
            // always redownload when installing from github master
            // beware to keep this behavior after clean up the TODO below
        } else {
            // TODO ↓ clean later ↓ d.d.d versions should be part of the DSL too
            $version = preg_replace('/^php-/', '', $version);
            $versionInfo = $releaseList->getVersion($version);
            if (!$versionInfo) {
                throw new Exception("Version {$version} not found.");
            $version = $versionInfo['version'];
            $distUrlPolicy = new DistributionUrlPolicy();
            if ($this->options->mirror) {
            $distUrl = $distUrlPolicy->buildUrl($version, $versionInfo['filename']);
        // get options and variants for building php
        // and skip the first argument since it's the target version.
        $args = func_get_args();
        // shift the version name
        $semanticOptions = $this->parseSemanticOptions($args);
        $buildAs = isset($semanticOptions['as']) ? $semanticOptions['as'] : $this->options->name;
        $buildLike = isset($semanticOptions['like']) ? $semanticOptions['like'] : $this->options->like;
        // convert patch to realpath
        if ($this->options->patch) {
            $patchPaths = array();
            foreach ($this->options->patch as $patch) {
                /** @var \SplFileInfo $patch */
                $patchPath = realpath($patch);
                if ($patchPath !== false) {
                    $patchPaths[(string) $patch] = $patchPath;
            // rewrite patch paths
            $this->options->keys['patch']->value = $patchPaths;
        // Initialize the build object, contains the information to build php.
        $build = new Build($version, $buildAs);
        $installPrefix = Config::getInstallPrefix() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $build->getName();
        if (!file_exists($installPrefix)) {
            mkdir($installPrefix, 0755, true);
        // find inherited variants
        if ($buildLike) {
            if ($parentBuild = Build::findByName($buildLike)) {
        $msg = "===> phpbrew will now build {$build->getVersion()}";
        if ($buildLike) {
            $msg .= ' using variants from ' . $buildLike;
        if (isset($semanticOptions['using'])) {
            $msg .= ' plus custom variants: ' . join(', ', $semanticOptions['using']);
            $args = array_merge($args, $semanticOptions['using']);
        if ($buildAs) {
            $msg .= ' as ' . $buildAs;
        if (!empty($args)) {
            $this->logger->debug("---> Parsing variants from command arguments '" . join(' ', $args) . "'");
        // ['extra_options'] => the extra options to be passed to ./configure command
        // ['enabled_variants'] => enabeld variants
        // ['disabled_variants'] => disabled variants
        $variantInfo = VariantParser::parseCommandArguments($args);
        // load again
        // assume +default variant if no build config is given and warn about that
        if (!$variantInfo['enabled_variants']) {
            $build->setBuildSettings(new DefaultBuildSettings());
            $this->logger->notice("You haven't set any variant. A default set of extensions will be installed for the minimum requirement:");
            $this->logger->notice('[' . implode(', ', array_keys($build->getVariants())) . ']');
            $this->logger->notice("Please run 'phpbrew variants' for more information.\n");
        if (preg_match('/5\\.3\\./', $version)) {
            $this->logger->notice("PHP 5.3 requires +intl, enabled by default.");
        // always add +xml by default unless --without-pear is present
        // TODO: This can be done by "-pear"
        if (!in_array('--without-pear', $variantInfo['extra_options'])) {
        $this->logger->info('===> Loading and resolving variants...');
        $removedVariants = $build->loadVariantInfo($variantInfo);
        if (!empty($removedVariants)) {
            $this->logger->debug('Removed variants: ' . join(',', $removedVariants));
        $prepareTask = new PrepareDirectoryTask($this->logger, $this->options);
        // Move to to build directory, because we are going to download distribution.
        $buildDir = $this->options->{'build-dir'} ?: Config::getBuildDir();
        if (!file_exists($buildDir)) {
            mkdir($buildDir, 0755, true);
        $variantBuilder = new VariantBuilder();
        $variants = $variantBuilder->build($build);
        $distFileDir = Config::getDistFileDir();
        $downloadTask = new DownloadTask($this->logger, $this->options);
        $targetFilePath = $downloadTask->download($distUrl, $distFileDir, isset($versionInfo['md5']) ? $versionInfo['md5'] : NULL);
        if (!file_exists($targetFilePath)) {
            throw new Exception("Download failed, {$targetFilePath} does not exist.");
        $extractTask = new ExtractTask($this->logger, $this->options);
        $targetDir = $extractTask->extract($build, $targetFilePath, $buildDir);
        if (!file_exists($targetDir)) {
            throw new Exception("Extract failed, {$targetDir} does not exist.");
        // Update build source directory
        $this->logger->debug('Source Directory: ' . realpath($targetDir));
        if (!$this->options->{'no-clean'} && file_exists($targetDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Makefile')) {
            $this->logger->info("Found existing Makefile, running make clean to ensure everything will be rebuilt.");
            $this->logger->info("You can append --no-clean option after the install command if you don't want to rebuild.");
        // Change directory to the downloaded source directory.
        // Write variants info.
        $variantInfoFile = $build->getInstallPrefix() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'phpbrew.variants';
        $this->logger->debug("Writing variant info to {$variantInfoFile}");
        if (false === $build->writeVariantInfoFile($variantInfoFile)) {
            $this->logger->warn("Can't store variant info.");
        $buildLogFile = $build->getBuildLogPath();
        if (!$this->options->{'no-configure'}) {
            $configureTask = new ConfigureTask($this->logger, $this->options);
            $configureTask->run($build, $variants);
            // trigger __destruct
        $buildTask = new BuildTask($this->logger, $this->options);
        // trigger __destruct
        if ($this->options->{'test'}) {
            $testTask = new TestTask($this->logger, $this->options);
            // trigger __destruct
        if (!$this->options->{'no-install'}) {
            $installTask = new InstallTask($this->logger, $this->options);
            // trigger __destruct
        if ($this->options->{'post-clean'}) {
        $dsym = new DSymTask($this->logger, $this->options);
        $dsym->patch($build, $this->options);
        // copy php-fpm config
        $this->logger->info("---> Creating php-fpm.conf");
        $phpFpmConfigPath = "sapi/fpm/php-fpm.conf";
        $phpFpmTargetConfigPath = $build->getEtcDirectory() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'php-fpm.conf';
        if (file_exists($phpFpmConfigPath)) {
            if (!file_exists($phpFpmTargetConfigPath)) {
                copy($phpFpmConfigPath, $phpFpmTargetConfigPath);
            } else {
                $this->logger->notice("Found existing {$phpFpmTargetConfigPath}.");
        $this->logger->info("---> Creating php.ini");
        $phpConfigPath = $build->getSourceDirectory() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ($this->options->production ? 'php.ini-production' : 'php.ini-development');
        $this->logger->info("---> Copying {$phpConfigPath} ");
        if (file_exists($phpConfigPath) && !$this->options->dryrun) {
            $targetConfigPath = $build->getEtcDirectory() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'php.ini';
            if (file_exists($targetConfigPath)) {
                $this->logger->notice("Found existing {$targetConfigPath}.");
            } else {
                // TODO: Move this to PhpConfigPatchTask
                // move config file to target location
                copy($phpConfigPath, $targetConfigPath);
            if (!$this->options->{'no-patch'}) {
                $config = parse_ini_file($targetConfigPath, true);
                $configContent = file_get_contents($targetConfigPath);
                $patched = false;
                if (!isset($config['date']['timezone'])) {
                    $this->logger->info('---> Found date.timezone is not set, patching...');
                    // Replace current timezone
                    if ($timezone = ini_get('date.timezone')) {
                        $this->logger->info("---> Found date.timezone, patching config timezone with {$timezone}");
                        $configContent = preg_replace('/^;?date.timezone\\s*=\\s*.*/im', "date.timezone = {$timezone}", $configContent);
                    $patched = true;
                if (!isset($config['phar']['readonly'])) {
                    $pharReadonly = ini_get('phar.readonly');
                    // 0 or "" means readonly is disabled manually
                    if (!$pharReadonly) {
                        $this->logger->info("---> Disabling phar.readonly option.");
                        $configContent = preg_replace('/^;?phar.readonly\\s*=\\s*.*/im', "phar.readonly = 0", $configContent);
                file_put_contents($targetConfigPath, $configContent);
        $this->logger->info("Initializing pear config...");
        $home = Config::getPhpbrewHome();
        @mkdir("{$home}/tmp/pear/temp", 0755, true);
        @mkdir("{$home}/tmp/pear/cache_dir", 0755, true);
        @mkdir("{$home}/tmp/pear/download_dir", 0755, true);
        system("pear config-set temp_dir {$home}/tmp/pear/temp");
        system("pear config-set cache_dir {$home}/tmp/pear/cache_dir");
        system("pear config-set download_dir {$home}/tmp/pear/download_dir");
        $this->logger->info("Enabling pear auto-discover...");
        system("pear config-set auto_discover 1");
        $this->logger->debug("Source directory: " . $targetDir);
        $buildName = $build->getName();
        $this->logger->info("Congratulations! Now you have PHP with {$version} as {$buildName}");
        echo <<<EOT
To use the newly built PHP, try the line(s) below:

    \$ phpbrew use {$buildName}

Or you can use switch command to switch your default php to {$buildName}:

    \$ phpbrew switch {$buildName}


All Usage Examples Of PhpBrew\VariantBuilder::build