Stringy\Stringy::slice PHP 메소드

slice() 공개 메소드

Returns the substring beginning at $start, and up to, but not including the index specified by $end. If $end is omitted, the function extracts the remaining string. If $end is negative, it is computed from the end of the string.
public slice ( integer $start, integer $end = null ) : Stringy
$start integer Initial index from which to begin extraction
$end integer Optional index at which to end extraction
리턴 Stringy Object with its $str being the extracted substring
    public function slice($start, $end = null)
        if ($end === null) {
            $length = $this->length();
        } elseif ($end >= 0 && $end <= $start) {
            return static::create('', $this->encoding);
        } elseif ($end < 0) {
            $length = $this->length() + $end - $start;
        } else {
            $length = $end - $start;
        $str = \mb_substr($this->str, $start, $length, $this->encoding);
        return static::create($str, $this->encoding);