Stripe\Plan::create PHP 메소드

create() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static create ( array | null $params = null, array | string | null $opts = null ) : Plan
$params array | null
$opts array | string | null
리턴 Plan The created plan.
    public static function create($params = null, $opts = null)
        return self::_create($params, $opts);

Usage Example

 public function do_charge()
     if (wp_verify_nonce($_POST['wp-simple-pay-pro-nonce'], 'charge_card')) {
         global $sc_options;
         $query_args = array();
         // Set redirect
         $redirect = $_POST['sc-redirect'];
         $fail_redirect = $_POST['sc-redirect-fail'];
         $failed = null;
         $message = '';
         // Get the credit card details submitted by the form
         $token = $_POST['stripeToken'];
         $amount = $_POST['sc-amount'];
         $description = $_POST['sc-description'];
         $store_name = $_POST['sc-name'];
         $currency = $_POST['sc-currency'];
         $details_placement = $_POST['sc-details-placement'];
         $charge = null;
         $sub = isset($_POST['sc_sub_id']);
         $interval = isset($_POST['sc_sub_interval']) ? $_POST['sc_sub_interval'] : 'month';
         $interval_count = isset($_POST['sc_sub_interval_count']) ? $_POST['sc_sub_interval_count'] : 1;
         $statement_description = isset($_POST['sc_sub_statement_description']) ? $_POST['sc_sub_statement_description'] : '';
         $setup_fee = isset($_POST['sc_sub_setup_fee']) ? $_POST['sc_sub_setup_fee'] : 0;
         $coupon = isset($_POST['sc_coup_coupon_code']) ? $_POST['sc_coup_coupon_code'] : '';
         $test_mode = isset($_POST['sc_test_mode']) ? $_POST['sc_test_mode'] : 'false';
         if ($sub) {
             $sub = !empty($_POST['sc_sub_id']) ? $_POST['sc_sub_id'] : 'custom';
         $meta = array();
         if (!empty($setup_fee)) {
             $meta['Setup Fee'] = Stripe_Checkout_Misc::to_formatted_amount($setup_fee, $currency);
         $meta = apply_filters('sc_meta_values', $meta);
         try {
             if ($sub == 'custom') {
                 $timestamp = time();
                 $plan_id = $_POST['stripeEmail'] . '_' . $amount . '_' . $timestamp;
                 $name = __('Subscription:', 'sc_sub') . ' ' . Stripe_Checkout_Misc::to_formatted_amount($amount, $currency) . ' ' . strtoupper($currency) . '/' . $interval;
                 // Create a plan
                 $plan_args = array('amount' => $amount, 'interval' => $interval, 'name' => $name, 'currency' => $currency, 'id' => $plan_id, 'interval_count' => $interval_count);
                 if (!empty($statement_description)) {
                     $plan_args['statement_descriptor'] = $statement_description;
                 $new_plan = \Stripe\Plan::create($plan_args);
                 // Create a customer and charge
                 $new_customer = \Stripe\Customer::create(array('email' => $_POST['stripeEmail'], 'card' => $token, 'plan' => $plan_id, 'metadata' => $meta, 'account_balance' => $setup_fee));
             } else {
                 // Create new customer
                 $cust_args = array('email' => $_POST['stripeEmail'], 'card' => $token, 'plan' => $sub, 'metadata' => $meta, 'account_balance' => $setup_fee);
                 if (!empty($coupon)) {
                     $cust_args['coupon'] = $coupon;
                 $new_customer = \Stripe\Customer::create($cust_args);
                 // Set currency based on sub
                 $plan = \Stripe\Plan::retrieve($sub);
                 //echo $subscription . '<Br>';
                 $currency = strtoupper($plan->currency);
             // We want to add the meta data and description to the actual charge so that users can still view the meta sent with a subscription + custom fields
             // the same way that they would normally view it without subscriptions installed.
             // We need the steps below to do this
             // First we get the latest invoice based on the customer ID
             $invoice = \Stripe\Invoice::all(array('customer' => $new_customer->id, 'limit' => 1));
             // If this is a trial we need to skip this part since a charge is not made
             $trial = $invoice->data[0]->lines->data[0]->plan->trial_period_days;
             if (empty($trial) || !empty($setup_fee)) {
                 // Now that we have the invoice object we can get the charge ID
                 $inv_charge = $invoice->data[0]->charge;
                 // Finally, with the charge ID we can update the specific charge and inject our meta data sent from Stripe Custom Fields
                 $ch = \Stripe\Charge::retrieve($inv_charge);
                 $charge = $ch;
                 if (!empty($meta)) {
                     $ch->metadata = $meta;
                 if (!empty($description)) {
                     $ch->description = $description;
                 $query_args = array('charge' => $ch->id, 'store_name' => urlencode($store_name));
                 $failed = false;
             } else {
                 $sub_id = $invoice->data[0]->subscription;
                 if (!empty($description)) {
                     $customer = \Stripe\Customer::retrieve($new_customer->id);
                     $subscription = $customer->subscriptions->retrieve($sub_id);
                     $subscription->metadata = array('product' => $description);
                 $query_args = array('cust_id' => $new_customer->id, 'sub_id' => $sub_id, 'store_name' => urlencode($store_name));
                 $failed = false;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // Something else happened, completely unrelated to Stripe
             $redirect = $fail_redirect;
             $failed = true;
             $e = $e->getJsonBody();
             $query_args = array('sub' => true, 'error_code' => $e['error']['type'], 'charge_failed' => true);
         if ($test_mode == 'true') {
             $query_args['test_mode'] = 'true';
         if ('below' == $details_placement) {
             $query_args['details_placement'] = $details_placement;
         if (!empty($trial) && empty($setup_fee)) {
             $query_args['trial'] = 1;
         wp_redirect(esc_url_raw(add_query_arg(apply_filters('sc_redirect_args', $query_args, $charge), apply_filters('sc_redirect', $redirect, $failed))));
All Usage Examples Of Stripe\Plan::create