Symfony\Installer\NewCommand::displayInstallationResult PHP 메소드

displayInstallationResult() 보호된 메소드

It displays the message with the result of installing Symfony and provides some pointers to the user.
    protected function displayInstallationResult()
        if (empty($this->requirementsErrors)) {
            $this->output->writeln(sprintf(" <info>%s</info>  Symfony %s was <info>successfully installed</info>. Now you can:\n", defined('PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_BUILD') ? 'OK' : '✔', $this->getInstalledSymfonyVersion()));
        } else {
            $this->output->writeln(sprintf(" <comment>%s</comment>  Symfony %s was <info>successfully installed</info> but your system doesn't meet its\n" . "     technical requirements! Fix the following issues before executing\n" . "     your Symfony application:\n", defined('PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_BUILD') ? 'FAILED' : '✕', $this->getInstalledSymfonyVersion()));
            foreach ($this->requirementsErrors as $helpText) {
                $this->output->writeln(' * ' . $helpText);
            $checkFile = $this->isSymfony3() ? 'bin/symfony_requirements' : 'app/check.php';
            $this->output->writeln(sprintf(" After fixing these issues, re-check Symfony requirements executing this command:\n\n" . "   <comment>php %s/%s</comment>\n\n" . " Then, you can:\n", $this->projectName, $checkFile));
        if ('.' !== $this->projectDir) {
            $this->output->writeln(sprintf("    * Change your current directory to <comment>%s</comment>\n", $this->projectDir));
        $consoleDir = $this->isSymfony3() ? 'bin' : 'app';
        $serverRunCommand = version_compare($this->version, '2.6.0', '>=') && extension_loaded('pcntl') ? 'server:start' : 'server:run';
        $this->output->writeln(sprintf("    * Configure your application in <comment>app/config/parameters.yml</comment> file.\n\n" . "    * Run your application:\n" . "        1. Execute the <comment>php %s/console %s</comment> command.\n" . "        2. Browse to the <comment>http://localhost:8000</comment> URL.\n\n" . "    * Read the documentation at <comment></comment>\n", $consoleDir, $serverRunCommand));
        return $this;