AddTargetableAttributes::up PHP Method

up() public method

Run the migrations.
public up ( ) : void
return void
    public function up()
        foreach ($this->relations as $relation) {
            $className = "REBELinBLUE\\Deployer\\{$relation}";
            $instance = new $className();
            $table = $instance->getTable();
            // Add the target fields to the tables
            Schema::table($table, function (Blueprint $table) {
            if (config('database.default') !== 'sqlite') {
                $drop = config('database.default') === 'mysql' ? 'FOREIGN KEY' : 'CONSTRAINT';
                DB::statement("ALTER TABLE {$table} DROP {$drop} {$table}_project_id_foreign");
        // Now find the existing templates in the project template and move them to templates table
        $templates = [];
        foreach (Project::where('is_template', true)->get() as $project) {
            $data = $project->toArray();
            $templates[$project->id] = Template::create($data);
        // Now loop through the relations and set the target details
        foreach ($this->relations as $relation) {
            $className = "REBELinBLUE\\Deployer\\{$relation}";
            $instance = new $className();
            foreach ($instance->all() as $row) {
                $row->target_id = $row->project_id;
                $row->target_type = 'project';
                if (isset($templates[$row->project_id])) {
                    $row->target_id = $templates[$row->project_id]->id;
                    $row->target_type = 'template';
        // Remove any deleted non templates from group 1 to group 2
        $project = new Project();
        $project->where('is_template', false)->where('group_id', 1)->withTrashed()->update(['group_id' => 2]);
        // Remove the left over fake templates and the containing group
        Project::where('is_template', true)->forceDelete();
        // Remove the unneeded project ID column
        foreach ($this->relations as $relation) {
            $className = "REBELinBLUE\\Deployer\\{$relation}";
            $instance = new $className();
            $table = $instance->getTable();
            // You can't drop a column in SQLite
            if (config('database.default') !== 'sqlite') {
                DB::statement("ALTER TABLE {$table} DROP COLUMN project_id");
            if (config('database.default') === 'mysql') {
                DB::statement("ALTER TABLE {$table} MODIFY target_id INT(11) NOT NULL");
                DB::statement("ALTER TABLE {$table} MODIFY target_type VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL");
            } elseif (config('database.default') === 'pgsql') {
                DB::statement("ALTER TABLE {$table} ALTER COLUMN target_id SET NOT NULL");
                DB::statement("ALTER TABLE {$table} ALTER COLUMN target_type SET NOT NULL");