Admin_Apple_Settings_Section_Formatting::__construct PHP Method

__construct() public method

public __construct ( string $page )
$page string
    function __construct($page)
        // Set the name
        $this->name = __('Formatting', 'apple-news');
        // Add the settings
        $this->settings = array('layout_margin' => array('label' => __('Layout margin', 'apple-news'), 'type' => 'integer'), 'layout_gutter' => array('label' => __('Layout gutter', 'apple-news'), 'type' => 'integer'), 'body_font' => array('label' => '', 'type' => 'font'), 'body_size' => array('label' => __('Body font size', 'apple-news'), 'type' => 'integer'), 'body_color' => array('label' => __('Body font color', 'apple-news'), 'type' => 'color'), 'body_link_color' => array('label' => __('Body font hyperlink color', 'apple-news'), 'type' => 'color'), 'body_background_color' => array('label' => __('Body background color', 'apple-news'), 'type' => 'color'), 'body_orientation' => array('label' => __('Body alignment', 'apple-news'), 'type' => array('left', 'center', 'right')), 'initial_dropcap' => array('label' => __('Use initial dropcap', 'apple-news'), 'type' => array('yes', 'no')), 'dropcap_font' => array('label' => '', 'type' => 'font'), 'dropcap_color' => array('label' => __('Dropcap font color', 'apple-news'), 'type' => 'color'), 'byline_font' => array('label' => '', 'type' => 'font'), 'byline_size' => array('label' => __('Byline font size', 'apple-news'), 'type' => 'integer'), 'byline_color' => array('label' => __('Byline font color', 'apple-news'), 'type' => 'color'), 'byline_format' => array('label' => __('Byline format', 'apple-news'), 'type' => 'text', 'description' => __('Set the byline format. Two tokens can be present, #author# to denote the location of the author name and a <a href="" target="blank">PHP date format</a> string also encapsulated by #. The default format is "by #author# | #M j, Y | g:i A#". Note that byline format updates only preview on save.', 'apple-news'), 'size' => 40, 'required' => false), 'header_font' => array('label' => '', 'type' => 'font'), 'header_color' => array('label' => __('Header font color', 'apple-news'), 'type' => 'color'), 'header1_size' => array('label' => __('Header 1 font size', 'apple-news'), 'type' => 'integer'), 'header2_size' => array('label' => __('Header 2 font size', 'apple-news'), 'type' => 'integer'), 'header3_size' => array('label' => __('Header 3 font size', 'apple-news'), 'type' => 'integer'), 'header4_size' => array('label' => __('Header 4 font size', 'apple-news'), 'type' => 'integer'), 'header5_size' => array('label' => __('Header 5 font size', 'apple-news'), 'type' => 'integer'), 'header6_size' => array('label' => __('Header 6 font size', 'apple-news'), 'type' => 'integer'), 'pullquote_font' => array('label' => '', 'type' => 'font'), 'pullquote_size' => array('label' => __('Pull quote font size', 'apple-news'), 'type' => 'integer'), 'pullquote_color' => array('label' => __('Pull quote color', 'apple-news'), 'type' => 'color'), 'pullquote_border_color' => array('label' => __('Pull quote border color', 'apple-news'), 'type' => 'color'), 'pullquote_border_style' => array('label' => __('Pull quote border style', 'apple-news'), 'type' => array('solid', 'dashed', 'dotted')), 'pullquote_border_width' => array('label' => __('Pull quote border width', 'apple-news'), 'type' => 'integer'), 'pullquote_transform' => array('label' => __('Pull quote transformation', 'apple-news'), 'type' => array('none', 'uppercase')), 'gallery_type' => array('label' => __('Gallery type', 'apple-news'), 'type' => array('gallery', 'mosaic')), 'enable_advertisement' => array('label' => __('Enable advertisements', 'apple-news'), 'type' => array('yes', 'no')), 'ad_frequency' => array('label' => __('Ad Frequency', 'apple-news'), 'type' => 'integer', 'description' => __('A number between 1 and 10 defining the frequency for automatically inserting Banner Advertisement components into articles. For more information, see the <a href="" target="_blank">Apple News Format Reference</a>.', 'apple-news')), 'ad_margin' => array('label' => __('Ad Margin', 'apple-news'), 'type' => 'integer', 'description' => __('The margin to use above and below inserted ads.', 'apple-news')), 'meta_component_order' => array('callback' => array(get_class($this), 'render_meta_component_order'), 'sanitize' => array($this, 'sanitize_array')));
        // Add the groups
        $this->groups = array('layout' => array('label' => __('Layout Spacing', 'apple-news'), 'description' => __('The spacing for the base layout of the exported articles', 'apple-news'), 'settings' => array('layout_margin', 'layout_gutter')), 'body' => array('label' => __('Body', 'apple-news'), 'settings' => array('body_font', 'body_size', 'body_color', 'body_link_color', 'body_background_color', 'body_orientation')), 'dropcap' => array('label' => __('Dropcap', 'apple-news'), 'settings' => array('dropcap_font', 'initial_dropcap', 'dropcap_color')), 'byline' => array('label' => __('Byline', 'apple-news'), 'description' => __("The byline displays the article's author and date", 'apple-news'), 'settings' => array('byline_font', 'byline_size', 'byline_color', 'byline_format')), 'headings' => array('label' => __('Headings', 'apple-news'), 'settings' => array('header_font', 'header_color', 'header1_size', 'header2_size', 'header3_size', 'header4_size', 'header4_size', 'header5_size', 'header6_size')), 'pullquote' => array('label' => __('Pull quote', 'apple-news'), 'description' => sprintf('%s <a href="">%s</a>.', __('Articles can have an optional', 'apple-news'), __('Pull quote', 'apple-news')), 'settings' => array('pullquote_font', 'pullquote_size', 'pullquote_color', 'pullquote_border_color', 'pullquote_border_style', 'pullquote_border_width', 'pullquote_transform')), 'gallery' => array('label' => __('Gallery', 'apple-news'), 'description' => __('Can either be a standard gallery, or mosaic.', 'apple-news'), 'settings' => array('gallery_type')), 'advertisement' => array('label' => __('Advertisement', 'apple-news'), 'settings' => array('enable_advertisement', 'ad_frequency', 'ad_margin')), 'component_order' => array('label' => __('Component Order', 'apple-news'), 'settings' => array('meta_component_order')));