CategoryModel::save PHP Method

save() public method

Saves the category.
Since: 2.0.0
public save ( $FormPostValues, array | false $Settings = false ) : integer
$Settings array | false Additional settings to affect saving.
return integer ID of the saved category.
    public function save($FormPostValues, $Settings = false)
        // Define the primary key in this model's table.
        // Get data from form
        $CategoryID = val('CategoryID', $FormPostValues);
        $NewName = val('Name', $FormPostValues, '');
        $UrlCode = val('UrlCode', $FormPostValues, '');
        $AllowDiscussions = val('AllowDiscussions', $FormPostValues, '');
        $CustomPermissions = (bool) val('CustomPermissions', $FormPostValues) || is_array(val('Permissions', $FormPostValues));
        $CustomPoints = val('CustomPoints', $FormPostValues, null);
        if (isset($FormPostValues['AllowedDiscussionTypes']) && is_array($FormPostValues['AllowedDiscussionTypes'])) {
            $FormPostValues['AllowedDiscussionTypes'] = dbencode($FormPostValues['AllowedDiscussionTypes']);
        // Is this a new category?
        $Insert = $CategoryID > 0 ? false : true;
        if ($Insert) {
        // Add some extra validation to the url code if one is provided.
        if ($Insert || array_key_exists('UrlCode', $FormPostValues)) {
            $this->Validation->applyRule('UrlCode', 'Required');
            $this->Validation->applyRule('UrlCode', 'UrlStringRelaxed');
            // Url slugs cannot be the name of a CategoriesController method or fully numeric.
            $this->Validation->addRule('CategorySlug', 'regex:/^(?!(all|archives|discussions|index|table|[0-9]+)$).*/');
            $this->Validation->applyRule('UrlCode', 'CategorySlug', 'Url code cannot be numeric or the name of an internal method.');
            // Make sure that the UrlCode is unique among categories.
            $this->SQL->select('CategoryID')->from('Category')->where('UrlCode', $UrlCode);
            if ($CategoryID) {
                $this->SQL->where('CategoryID <>', $CategoryID);
            if ($this->SQL->get()->numRows()) {
                $this->Validation->addValidationResult('UrlCode', 'The specified url code is already in use by another category.');
        if (isset($FormPostValues['ParentCategoryID'])) {
            if (empty($FormPostValues['ParentCategoryID'])) {
                $FormPostValues['ParentCategoryID'] = -1;
            } else {
                $parent = CategoryModel::categories($FormPostValues['ParentCategoryID']);
                if (!$parent) {
                    $FormPostValues['ParentCategoryID'] = -1;
        //	Prep and fire event.
        $this->EventArguments['FormPostValues'] =& $FormPostValues;
        $this->EventArguments['CategoryID'] = $CategoryID;
        // Validate the form posted values.
        if ($this->validate($FormPostValues, $Insert)) {
            $Fields = $this->Validation->schemaValidationFields();
            $Fields = $this->coerceData($Fields);
            $Fields['AllowDiscussions'] = (bool) val('AllowDiscussions', $Fields);
            if ($Insert === false) {
                $OldCategory = $this->getID($CategoryID, DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY);
                if (null === val('AllowDiscussions', $FormPostValues, null)) {
                    $AllowDiscussions = $OldCategory['AllowDiscussions'];
                    // Force the allowdiscussions property
                $Fields['AllowDiscussions'] = (bool) $AllowDiscussions;
                // Figure out custom points.
                if ($CustomPoints !== null) {
                    if ($CustomPoints) {
                        $Fields['PointsCategoryID'] = $CategoryID;
                    } else {
                        $Parent = self::categories(val('ParentCategoryID', $Fields, $OldCategory['ParentCategoryID']));
                        $Fields['PointsCategoryID'] = val('PointsCategoryID', $Parent, 0);
                $this->update($Fields, array('CategoryID' => $CategoryID));
                // Check for a change in the parent category.
                if (isset($Fields['ParentCategoryID']) && $OldCategory['ParentCategoryID'] != $Fields['ParentCategoryID']) {
                } else {
                    self::setCache($CategoryID, $Fields);
            } else {
                $CategoryID = $this->insert($Fields);
                if ($CategoryID) {
                    if ($CustomPermissions) {
                        $this->SQL->put('Category', array('PermissionCategoryID' => $CategoryID), array('CategoryID' => $CategoryID));
                    if ($CustomPoints) {
                        $this->SQL->put('Category', array('PointsCategoryID' => $CategoryID), array('CategoryID' => $CategoryID));
                // Safeguard to make sure that treeleft and treeright cols are added
            // Save the permissions
            if ($CategoryID) {
                // Check to see if this category uses custom permissions.
                if ($CustomPermissions) {
                    $permissionModel = Gdn::permissionModel();
                    if (is_array(val('Permissions', $FormPostValues))) {
                        // The permissions were posted in an API format provided by settings/getcategory
                        $permissions = val('Permissions', $FormPostValues);
                        foreach ($permissions as &$perm) {
                            $perm['JunctionTable'] = 'Category';
                            $perm['JunctionColumn'] = 'PermissionCategoryID';
                            $perm['JunctionID'] = $CategoryID;
                    } else {
                        // The permissions were posted in the web format provided by settings/addcategory and settings/editcategory
                        $permissions = $permissionModel->pivotPermissions(val('Permission', $FormPostValues, array()), array('JunctionID' => $CategoryID));
                    $permissionModel->saveAll($permissions, array('JunctionID' => $CategoryID, 'JunctionTable' => 'Category'));
                    if (!$Insert) {
                        // Figure out my last permission and tree info.
                        $Data = $this->SQL->select('PermissionCategoryID, TreeLeft, TreeRight')->from('Category')->where('CategoryID', $CategoryID)->get()->firstRow(DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY);
                        // Update this category's permission.
                        $this->SQL->put('Category', array('PermissionCategoryID' => $CategoryID), array('CategoryID' => $CategoryID));
                        // Update all of my children that shared my last category permission.
                        $this->SQL->put('Category', array('PermissionCategoryID' => $CategoryID), array('TreeLeft >' => $Data['TreeLeft'], 'TreeRight <' => $Data['TreeRight'], 'PermissionCategoryID' => $Data['PermissionCategoryID']));
                } elseif (!$Insert) {
                    // Figure out my parent's permission.
                    $NewPermissionID = $this->SQL->select('p.PermissionCategoryID')->from('Category c')->join('Category p', 'c.ParentCategoryID = p.CategoryID')->where('c.CategoryID', $CategoryID)->get()->value('PermissionCategoryID', 0);
                    if ($NewPermissionID != $CategoryID) {
                        // Update all of my children that shared my last permission.
                        $this->SQL->put('Category', array('PermissionCategoryID' => $NewPermissionID), array('PermissionCategoryID' => $CategoryID));
                    // Delete my custom permissions.
                    $this->SQL->delete('Permission', array('JunctionTable' => 'Category', 'JunctionColumn' => 'PermissionCategoryID', 'JunctionID' => $CategoryID));
            // Force the user permissions to refresh.
            // $this->RebuildTree();
        } else {
            $CategoryID = false;
        return $CategoryID;

Usage Example

Example #1
  * saves/updates a category from a json-rpc call
  * @param  $categoryJson
  * @return a status array which contains the error message if needed
  * {category_id:'', errorCode:'', errorMessage:''}
 function saveCategoryFromJsonObject($categoryJson)
     // TODO make a sanity check to see if required parameters are set and check if the user has privileges to update a category
     $category = null;
     if (isset($categoryJson->id)) {
         $category = CategoryModel::find_by_id($categoryJson->id);
     if ($category == null) {
         $category = new CategoryModel();
     // also save languages
     $language_values = $categoryJson->lang;
     foreach ($language_values as $lang) {
         $category_lang = CategoryLangModel::find(array('conditions' => 'category_id = ' . $category->id . ' AND lang_id = ' . $lang->lang_id));
         if ($category_lang == null) {
             $category_lang = new CategoryLangModel();
         $category_lang->category_id = $category->id;
         $category_lang->lang_id = $lang->lang_id;
         $category_lang->name = $lang->name;
         $category_lang->keywords = $lang->keywords;
         $category_lang->short_desc = $lang->short_desc;
         $category_lang->description = $lang->description;
     return array('category_id' => $category->id, 'errorCode' => 0, 'errorMessage' => '');
All Usage Examples Of CategoryModel::save