PageFinder::___getQuery PHP Method

___getQuery() protected method

Given one or more selectors, create the SQL query for finding pages.
protected ___getQuery ( array $selectors, array $options ) : DatabaseQuerySelect
$selectors array Array of selectors.
$options array
return DatabaseQuerySelect
    protected function ___getQuery($selectors, array $options)
        $where = '';
        $cnt = 1;
        $fieldCnt = array();
        // counts number of instances for each field to ensure unique table aliases for ANDs on the same field
        $lastSelector = null;
        $sortSelectors = array();
        // selector containing 'sort=', which gets added last
        $joins = array();
        $startLimit = false;
        // true when the start/limit part of the query generation is done
        $database = $this->wire('database');
        $query = new DatabaseQuerySelect();
        $query->select($options['returnVerbose'] ? array('', 'pages.parent_id', 'pages.templates_id') : array(''));
        foreach ($selectors as $selector) {
            if (is_null($lastSelector)) {
                $lastSelector = $selector;
            if (!$this->preProcessSelector($selector)) {
            $fields = $selector->field;
            $group = $selector->group;
            // i.e. @field
            $fields = is_array($fields) ? $fields : array($fields);
            if (count($fields) > 1) {
                $fields = $this->arrangeFields($fields);
            $fieldsStr = ':' . implode(':', $fields) . ':';
            // for strpos
            $field = reset($fields);
            // first field
            if (strpos($field, '.')) {
                list($field, $subfield) = explode('.', $field);
            } else {
                $subfield = '';
            // TODO Make native fields and path/url multi-field and multi-value aware
            if ($field == 'sort') {
                $sortSelectors[] = $selector;
            } else {
                if ($field == 'limit' || $field == 'start') {
                    if (!$startLimit) {
                        $this->getQueryStartLimit($query, $selectors);
                    $startLimit = true;
                } else {
                    if ($field == 'path' || $field == 'url') {
                        $this->getQueryJoinPath($query, $selector);
                    } else {
                        if ($field == 'has_parent' || $field == 'hasParent') {
                            $this->getQueryHasParent($query, $selector);
                        } else {
                            if ($field == 'num_children' || $field == 'numChildren' || $field == 'children' && $subfield == 'count') {
                                $this->getQueryNumChildren($query, $selector);
                            } else {
                                if ($this->wire('fields')->isNative($field) || strpos($fieldsStr, ':parent.') !== false) {
                                    $this->getQueryNativeField($query, $selector, $fields);
            // where SQL specific to the foreach() of fields below, if needed.
            // in this case only used by internally generated shortcuts like the blank value condition
            $whereFields = '';
            $whereFieldsType = 'AND';
            foreach ($fields as $n => $fieldName) {
                // if a specific DB field from the table has been specified, then get it, otherwise assume 'data'
                if (strpos($fieldName, ".")) {
                    list($fieldName, $subfield) = explode(".", $fieldName);
                } else {
                    $subfield = 'data';
                if (!($field = $this->wire('fields')->get($fieldName))) {
                    // field does not exist, try to match an API variable
                    $value = $this->wire($fieldName);
                    if (!$value) {
                        throw new PageFinderSyntaxException("Field does not exist: {$fieldName}");
                    if (count($fields) > 1) {
                        throw new PageFinderSyntaxException("You may only match 1 API variable at a time");
                    if (is_object($value)) {
                        if ($subfield == 'data') {
                            $subfield = 'id';
                        $selector->field = $subfield;
                    if (!$selector->matches($value)) {
                        // force non match
                // keep track of number of times this table name has appeared in the query
                if (!isset($fieldCnt[$field->table])) {
                    $fieldCnt[$field->table] = 0;
                } else {
                // use actual table name if first instance, if second instance of table then add a number at the end
                $tableAlias = $field->table . ($fieldCnt[$field->table] ? $fieldCnt[$field->table] : '');
                $tableAlias = $database->escapeTable($tableAlias);
                $valueArray = is_array($selector->value) ? $selector->value : array($selector->value);
                $join = '';
                $fieldtype = $field->type;
                $operator = $selector->operator;
                $numEmptyValues = 0;
                foreach ($valueArray as $value) {
                    // shortcut for blank value condition: this ensures that NULL/non-existence is considered blank
                    // without this section the query would still work, but a blank value must actually be present in the field
                    $useEmpty = empty($value) || $value && $operator[0] == '<' || $value < 0 && $operator[0] == '>';
                    if ($subfield == 'data' && $useEmpty && $fieldtype) {
                        // && !$fieldtype instanceof FieldtypeMulti) {
                        if (empty($value)) {
                        if (in_array($operator, array('=', '!=', '<>', '<', '<=', '>', '>='))) {
                            // we only accommodate this optimization for single-value selectors...
                            if ($this->whereEmptyValuePossible($field, $selector, $query, $value, $whereFields)) {
                                if (count($valueArray) > 1 && $operator == '=') {
                                    $whereFieldsType = 'OR';
                    if (isset($subqueries[$tableAlias])) {
                        $q = $subqueries[$tableAlias];
                    } else {
                        $q = new DatabaseQuerySelect();
                    $q->set('field', $field);
                    // original field if required by the fieldtype
                    $q->set('group', $group);
                    // original group of the field, if required by the fieldtype
                    $q->set('selector', $selector);
                    // original selector if required by the fieldtype
                    $q->set('selectors', $selectors);
                    // original selectors (all) if required by the fieldtype
                    $q->set('parentQuery', $query);
                    $q = $fieldtype->getMatchQuery($q, $tableAlias, $subfield, $selector->operator, $value);
                    if (count($q->select)) {
                    if (count($q->join)) {
                    if (count($q->leftjoin)) {
                    if (count($q->orderby)) {
                    if (count($q->groupby)) {
                    if (count($q->where)) {
                        // $and = $selector->not ? "AND NOT" : "AND";
                        $and = "AND";
                        /// moved NOT condition to entire generated $sql
                        $sql = '';
                        foreach ($q->where as $w) {
                            $sql .= $sql ? "{$and} {$w} " : "{$w} ";
                        $sql = "({$sql}) ";
                        if ($selector->operator == '!=') {
                            $join .= $join ? "\n\t\tAND {$sql} " : $sql;
                        } else {
                            if ($selector->not) {
                                $sql = "((NOT {$sql}) OR ({$tableAlias}.pages_id IS NULL))";
                                $join .= $join ? "\n\t\tAND {$sql} " : $sql;
                            } else {
                                $join .= $join ? "\n\t\tOR {$sql} " : $sql;
                if ($join) {
                    $joinType = 'join';
                    if (count($fields) > 1 || count($valueArray) > 1 && $numEmptyValues > 0 || $subfield == 'count' || $selector->not && $selector->operator != '!=' || $selector->operator == '!=') {
                        // join should instead be a leftjoin
                        $joinType = "leftjoin";
                        if ($where) {
                            $whereType = $lastSelector->str == $selector->str ? "OR" : ") AND (";
                            $where .= "\n\t{$whereType} ({$join}) ";
                        } else {
                            $where .= "({$join}) ";
                        if ($selector->not) {
                            // removes condition from join, but ensures we still have a $join
                            $join = '1=1';
                    // we compile the joins after going through all the selectors, so that we can
                    // match up conditions to the same tables
                    if (isset($joins[$tableAlias])) {
                        $joins[$tableAlias]['join'] .= " AND ({$join}) ";
                    } else {
                        $joins[$tableAlias] = array('joinType' => $joinType, 'table' => $field->table, 'tableAlias' => $tableAlias, 'join' => "({$join})");
                $lastSelector = $selector;
            // fields
            if (strlen($whereFields)) {
                if (strlen($where)) {
                    $where = "({$where}) {$whereFieldsType} ({$whereFields})";
                } else {
                    $where .= "({$whereFields})";
        // selectors
        if ($where) {
        $this->getQueryAllowedTemplates($query, $options);
        // complete the joins, matching up any conditions for the same table
        foreach ($joins as $j) {
            $joinType = $j['joinType'];
            $query->{$joinType}("{$j['table']} AS {$j['tableAlias']} ON {$j['tableAlias']} AND ({$j['join']})");
        if (count($sortSelectors)) {
            foreach (array_reverse($sortSelectors) as $s) {
                $this->getQuerySortSelector($query, $s);
        return $query;