public function updateSingle($title, $albumName, $artistName, $lyrics, $track, $compilationState)
// If the artist name is "Various Artists", it's a compilation song no matter what.
if ($artistName === Artist::VARIOUS_NAME) {
$compilationState = 1;
// If the compilation state is "no change," we determine it via the current
// "contributing_artist_id" field value.
if ($compilationState === 2) {
$compilationState = $this->contributing_artist_id ? 1 : 0;
$album = null;
if ($compilationState === 0) {
// Not a compilation song
$this->contributing_artist_id = null;
$albumArtist = Artist::get($artistName);
$album = Album::get($albumArtist, $albumName, false);
} else {
$contributingArtist = Artist::get($artistName);
$this->contributing_artist_id = $contributingArtist->id;
$album = Album::get(Artist::getVarious(), $albumName, true);
$this->album_id = $album->id;
$this->title = $title;
$this->lyrics = $lyrics;
$this->track = $track;
// Get the updated record, with album and all.
$updatedSong = self::with('album', 'album.artist', 'contributingArtist')->find($this->id);
// Make sure lyrics is included in the returned JSON.
return $updatedSong;