Automattic\Phone\Mobile_Validator::get_iso3166_by_phone PHP Method

get_iso3166_by_phone() private method

private get_iso3166_by_phone ( $phone_number )
    private function get_iso3166_by_phone($phone_number)
        foreach (Iso3166::get_data() as $iso3166_entry) {
            foreach ($iso3166_entry["phone_number_lengths"] as $number_length) {
                $country_code = $iso3166_entry["country_code"];
                if (0 === strpos($phone_number, $country_code) && strlen($phone_number) == strlen($country_code) + $number_length) {
                    // comment originated from node-phone:
                    // if the country doesn't have mobile prefixes (e.g. about 20 countries, like
                    // Argentina), then return the first match, as we can do no better
                    if (empty($iso3166_entry["mobile_begin_with"])) {
                        return $iso3166_entry;
                    // comment originated from node-phone:
                    // it match.. but may have more than one result.
                    // e.g. USA and Canada. need to check mobile_begin_with
                    foreach ($iso3166_entry["mobile_begin_with"] as $mobile_prefix) {
                        if (0 === strpos($phone_number, "{$country_code}{$mobile_prefix}")) {
                            return $iso3166_entry;
        return array();