Bravo3\Orm\Services\RelationshipManager::persistRelationshipsTraversal PHP Method

persistRelationshipsTraversal() private method

Traverse an array of relationships and persist them
private persistRelationshipsTraversal ( Entity $metadata, object $entity, Reader $reader, string $local_id )
$metadata Bravo3\Orm\Mappers\Metadata\Entity
$entity object
$reader Bravo3\Orm\Services\Io\Reader
$local_id string
    private function persistRelationshipsTraversal(Entity $metadata, $entity, Reader $reader, $local_id)
        $relationships = $metadata->getRelationships();
        $is_proxy = $entity instanceof OrmProxyInterface;
        foreach ($relationships as $relationship) {
            $key = $this->getRelationshipKey($relationship, $local_id);
            $value = $reader->getPropertyValue($relationship->getName());
            // Skip relationship rules:
            // If the entity is not a proxy (i.e. a new entity) we still must allow for the scenario in which a new
            // entity is created over the top of an existing entity (same ID), as such, we still need to check every
            // relationship attached to the entity
            if (!$this->entity_manager->getMaintenanceMode() && $is_proxy) {
                /** @var OrmProxyInterface $entity */
                // Check if we can skip the update
                if (!$entity->isRelativeModified($relationship->getName())) {
                    // Looks like we can skip, but check inverted sort indices first -
                    if ($relationship->getInversedBy()) {
                        $inverse_relationship = $this->invertRelationship($relationship);
                        if ($inverse_relationship->getSortableBy()) {
                            // The inverse relationship has sortable columns, we need to check for local property
                            // changes that might have impacted this -
                            list(, , $maintain) = $this->getRelationshipDeltas($key, $relationship, $value);
                            $this->updateMaintainedRelationshipSortIndices($inverse_relationship, $maintain, $reader, $local_id);
                    // Nothing else to update on this relationship
            // This condition allows NEW (not a proxy) entities that have NOT set a relationship to inherit existing
            // relationships which could be useful if the relationship was set by a foreign entity
            // See: docs/
            if ($is_proxy || $value || $this->entity_manager->getMaintenanceMode()) {
                $this->persistForwardRelationship($relationship, $key, $value);
                if (count($relationship->getSortableBy())) {
                    $this->persistForwardSortIndices($relationship, $local_id, $value);
                // Modify the inversed relationships
                if ($relationship->getInversedBy()) {
                    $this->persistInversedRelationship($relationship, $key, $value, $local_id, $reader);
                } else {
                    $this->persistRefs($relationship, $key, $value, $local_id);