Clickalicious\PhpMemAdmin\BaseInstaller::showVhostExample PHP Method

showVhostExample() protected static method

Echoes a VHost skeleton with correct path inserted.
Author: Benjamin Carl ([email protected])
protected static showVhostExample ( string $installPath ) : void
$installPath string The install path to insert.
return void
    protected static function showVhostExample($installPath)
        \cli\line('You could use this skeleton (example and not production ready!) for your vhost:');
        \cli\line(\cli\Colors::colorize('%y<VirtualHost *:80>'));
        \cli\line('    ServerName');
        \cli\line('    ServerAlias *');
        \cli\line('    ServerAdmin [email protected]');
        \cli\line('    DocumentRoot "' . $installPath . 'web"');
        \cli\line('    <Directory "' . $installPath . 'web">');
        \cli\line('        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI');
        \cli\line('        AllowOverride All');
        \cli\line('        Order allow,deny');
        \cli\line('        Allow from all');
        \cli\line('        DirectoryIndex app.php index.php index.html index.htm');
        \cli\line('    </Directory>');