Contao\ModuleCustomnav::compile PHP Method

compile() protected method

Generate the module
protected compile ( )
    protected function compile()
        /** @var PageModel $objPage */
        global $objPage;
        $items = array();
        $groups = array();
        // Get all groups of the current front end user
        if (FE_USER_LOGGED_IN) {
            $this->import('FrontendUser', 'User');
            $groups = $this->User->groups;
        // Get all active pages
        $objPages = \PageModel::findPublishedRegularWithoutGuestsByIds($this->pages);
        // Return if there are no pages
        if ($objPages === null) {
        $arrPages = array();
        // Sort the array keys according to the given order
        if ($this->orderPages != '') {
            $tmp = \StringUtil::deserialize($this->orderPages);
            if (!empty($tmp) && is_array($tmp)) {
                $arrPages = array_map(function () {
                }, array_flip($tmp));
        // Add the items to the pre-sorted array
        while ($objPages->next()) {
            $arrPages[$objPages->id] = $objPages->current();
        $arrPages = array_values(array_filter($arrPages));
        // Set default template
        if ($this->navigationTpl == '') {
            $this->navigationTpl = 'nav_default';
        /** @var FrontendTemplate|object $objTemplate */
        $objTemplate = new \FrontendTemplate($this->navigationTpl);
        $objTemplate->type = get_class($this);
        $objTemplate->cssID = $this->cssID;
        // see #4897 and 6129
        $objTemplate->level = 'level_1';
        /** @var PageModel[] $arrPages */
        foreach ($arrPages as $objModel) {
            $_groups = \StringUtil::deserialize($objModel->groups);
            // Do not show protected pages unless a front end user is logged in
            if (!$objModel->protected || is_array($_groups) && count(array_intersect($_groups, $groups)) || $this->showProtected) {
                // Get href
                switch ($objModel->type) {
                    case 'redirect':
                        $href = $objModel->url;
                    case 'forward':
                        if (($objNext = $objModel->getRelated('jumpTo')) instanceof PageModel || ($objNext = \PageModel::findFirstPublishedRegularByPid($objModel->id)) instanceof PageModel) {
                            /** @var PageModel $objNext */
                            $href = $objNext->getFrontendUrl();
                        // DO NOT ADD A break; STATEMENT
                    // DO NOT ADD A break; STATEMENT
                        $href = $objModel->getFrontendUrl();
                $trail = in_array($objModel->id, $objPage->trail);
                // Active page
                if ($objPage->id == $objModel->id && $href == \Environment::get('request')) {
                    $strClass = trim($objModel->cssClass);
                    $row = $objModel->row();
                    $row['isActive'] = true;
                    $row['isTrail'] = false;
                    $row['class'] = trim('active ' . $strClass);
                    $row['title'] = \StringUtil::specialchars($objModel->title, true);
                    $row['pageTitle'] = \StringUtil::specialchars($objModel->pageTitle, true);
                    $row['link'] = $objModel->title;
                    $row['href'] = $href;
                    $row['nofollow'] = strncmp($objModel->robots, 'noindex,nofollow', 16) === 0;
                    $row['target'] = '';
                    $row['description'] = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), array(' ', ''), $objModel->description);
                    // Override the link target
                    if ($objModel->type == 'redirect' && $objModel->target) {
                        $row['target'] = ' target="_blank"';
                    $items[] = $row;
                } else {
                    $strClass = trim($objModel->cssClass . ($trail ? ' trail' : ''));
                    $row = $objModel->row();
                    $row['isActive'] = false;
                    $row['isTrail'] = $trail;
                    $row['class'] = $strClass;
                    $row['title'] = \StringUtil::specialchars($objModel->title, true);
                    $row['pageTitle'] = \StringUtil::specialchars($objModel->pageTitle, true);
                    $row['link'] = $objModel->title;
                    $row['href'] = $href;
                    $row['nofollow'] = strncmp($objModel->robots, 'noindex,nofollow', 16) === 0;
                    $row['target'] = '';
                    $row['description'] = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), array(' ', ''), $objModel->description);
                    // Override the link target
                    if ($objModel->type == 'redirect' && $objModel->target) {
                        $row['target'] = ' target="_blank"';
                    $items[] = $row;
        // Add classes first and last
        $items[0]['class'] = trim($items[0]['class'] . ' first');
        $last = count($items) - 1;
        $items[$last]['class'] = trim($items[$last]['class'] . ' last');
        $objTemplate->items = $items;
        $this->Template->request = \Environment::get('indexFreeRequest');
        $this->Template->skipId = 'skipNavigation' . $this->id;
        $this->Template->skipNavigation = \StringUtil::specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['skipNavigation']);
        $this->Template->items = !empty($items) ? $objTemplate->parse() : '';