Elgg\Database\AccessCollections::getWhereSql PHP Method

getWhereSql() public method

Note that if this code is executed in privileged mode it will return (1=1). Otherwise it returns a where clause to retrieve the data that a user has permission to read. Plugin authors can hook into the 'get_sql', 'access' plugin hook to modify, remove, or add to the where clauses. The plugin hook will pass an array with the current ors and ands to the function in the form: array( 'ors' => array(), 'ands' => array() ) The results will be combined into an SQL where clause in the form: ((or1 OR or2 OR orN) AND (and1 AND and2 AND andN))
public getWhereSql ( array $options = [] ) : string
$options array Array in format: table_alias => STR Optional table alias. This is based on the select and join clauses. Default is 'e'. user_guid => INT Optional GUID for the user that we are retrieving data for. Defaults to the logged in user if null. Passing 0 will build a query for a logged out user (even if there is a logged in user) use_enabled_clause => BOOL Optional. Should we append the enabled clause? The default is set by access_show_hidden_entities(). access_column => STR Optional access column name. Default is 'access_id'. owner_guid_column => STR Optional owner_guid column. Default is 'owner_guid'. guid_column => STR Optional guid_column. Default is 'guid'.
return string
    public function getWhereSql(array $options = array())
        $defaults = array('table_alias' => 'e', 'user_guid' => $this->session->getLoggedInUserGuid(), 'use_enabled_clause' => !$ENTITY_SHOW_HIDDEN_OVERRIDE, 'access_column' => 'access_id', 'owner_guid_column' => 'owner_guid', 'guid_column' => 'guid');
        foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
            if (is_null($value)) {
                // remove null values so we don't loose defaults in array_merge
        $options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
        // just in case someone passes a . at the end
        $options['table_alias'] = rtrim($options['table_alias'], '.');
        foreach (array('table_alias', 'access_column', 'owner_guid_column', 'guid_column') as $key) {
            $options[$key] = sanitize_string($options[$key]);
        $options['user_guid'] = sanitize_int($options['user_guid'], false);
        // only add dot if we have an alias or table name
        $table_alias = $options['table_alias'] ? $options['table_alias'] . '.' : '';
        if (!isset($options['ignore_access'])) {
            $options['ignore_access'] = elgg_check_access_overrides($options['user_guid']);
        $clauses = array('ors' => array(), 'ands' => array());
        $prefix = $this->db->prefix;
        if ($options['ignore_access']) {
            $clauses['ors']['ignore_access'] = '1 = 1';
        } else {
            if ($options['user_guid']) {
                // include content of user's friends
                $clauses['ors']['friends_access'] = "{$table_alias}{$options['access_column']} = " . ACCESS_FRIENDS . "\n\t\t\t\tAND {$table_alias}{$options['owner_guid_column']} IN (\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT guid_one FROM {$prefix}entity_relationships\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE relationship = 'friend' AND guid_two = {$options['user_guid']}\n\t\t\t\t)";
                // include user's content
                $clauses['ors']['owner_access'] = "{$table_alias}{$options['owner_guid_column']} = {$options['user_guid']}";
        // include standard accesses (public, logged in, access collections)
        if (!$options['ignore_access']) {
            $access_list = $this->getAccessList($options['user_guid']);
            $clauses['ors']['acl_access'] = "{$table_alias}{$options['access_column']} IN {$access_list}";
        if ($options['use_enabled_clause']) {
            $clauses['ands']['use_enabled'] = "{$table_alias}enabled = 'yes'";
        $clauses = $this->hooks->trigger('get_sql', 'access', $options, $clauses);
        $clauses_str = '';
        if (is_array($clauses['ors']) && $clauses['ors']) {
            $clauses_str = '(' . implode(' OR ', $clauses['ors']) . ')';
        if (is_array($clauses['ands']) && $clauses['ands']) {
            if ($clauses_str) {
                $clauses_str .= ' AND ';
            $clauses_str .= '(' . implode(' AND ', $clauses['ands']) . ')';
        return "({$clauses_str})";