eZ\Bundle\EzPublishMigrationBundle\Command\LegacyStorage\UpdateFieldAlwaysAvailableFlagCommand::configure PHP Method

configure() protected method

protected configure ( )
    protected function configure()
        $this->setName('ezpublish:update:legacy_storage_fix_fields_always_available_flag')->setDescription('Fixes always available flag on Content fields')->addArgument('bulk_count', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Number of Content processed at once', 100)->addOption('dry-run', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Execute a dry run')->setHelp(<<<EOT
The command <info>%command.name%</info> fixes always available flag on Content
fields in Legacy Storage Engine database.

This will process only fields of the current version of the always available Content
where found that fields in multiple languages have always available flag set.

Provided the patch that fixes the cause of the problem has been applied, this
command can be executed on a live database.

<warning>To avoid surprises you are advised to create a backup or execute a dry
run before proceeding with the actual update.</warning>

Since this command can potentially run for a very long time, to avoid memory
exhaustion run it in production environment using <info>--env=prod</info> switch.
