eZ\Publish\Core\Persistence\Legacy\Content\UrlAlias\Gateway\DoctrineDatabase::getNextId PHP Method

getNextId() public method

Returns next value for "id" column.
public getNextId ( ) : mixed
return mixed
    public function getNextId()
        $sequence = $this->dbHandler->getSequenceName('ezurlalias_ml_incr', 'id');
        /** @var $query \eZ\Publish\Core\Persistence\Database\InsertQuery */
        $query = $this->dbHandler->createInsertQuery();
        // ezcDatabase does not abstract the "auto increment id"
        // INSERT INTO ezurlalias_ml_incr VALUES(DEFAULT) is not an option due
        // to this mysql bug: http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=42270
        // as a result we are forced to check which database is currently used
        // to generate the correct SQL query
        // see https://jira.ez.no/browse/EZP-20652
        if ($this->dbHandler->useSequences()) {
            $query->set($this->dbHandler->quoteColumn('id'), "nextval('{$sequence}')");
        } else {
            $query->set($this->dbHandler->quoteColumn('id'), $query->bindValue(null, null, \PDO::PARAM_NULL));
        return $this->dbHandler->lastInsertId($sequence);