Google\Cloud\ServiceBuilder::__construct PHP Method

__construct() public method

Example: use Google\Cloud\ServiceBuilder; $cloud = new ServiceBuilder([ 'projectId' => 'myAwesomeProject' ]);
public __construct ( array $config = [] )
$config array [optional] { Configuration options. @type string $projectId The project ID from the Google Developer's Console. @type CacheItemPoolInterface $authCache A cache for storing access tokens. **Defaults to** a simple in memory implementation. @type array $authCacheOptions Cache configuration options. @type callable $authHttpHandler A handler used to deliver Psr7 requests specifically for authentication. @type callable $httpHandler A handler used to deliver Psr7 requests. Only valid for requests sent over REST. @type string $keyFile The contents of the service account credentials .json file retrieved from the Google Developer's Console. @type string $keyFilePath The full path to your service account credentials .json file retrieved from the Google Developers Console. @type int $retries Number of retries for a failed request. **Defaults to** `3`. @type array $scopes Scopes to be used for the request. }
    public function __construct(array $config = [])
        $this->config = $this->resolveConfig($config);