public static function execute(Schema $schema, DocumentNode $ast, $rootValue = null, $contextValue = null, $variableValues = null, $operationName = null)
if (!self::$UNDEFINED) {
self::$UNDEFINED = new \stdClass();
if (null !== $variableValues) {
Utils::invariant(is_array($variableValues) || $variableValues instanceof \ArrayAccess, "Variable values are expected to be array or instance of ArrayAccess, got " . Utils::getVariableType($variableValues));
if (null !== $operationName) {
Utils::invariant(is_string($operationName), "Operation name is supposed to be string, got " . Utils::getVariableType($operationName));
$exeContext = self::buildExecutionContext($schema, $ast, $rootValue, $contextValue, $variableValues, $operationName);
if (null === self::$promiseAdapter) {
static::setPromiseAdapter(new GenericPromiseAdapter());
try {
$data = self::$promiseAdapter->createPromise(function (callable $resolve) use($exeContext, $rootValue) {
return $resolve(self::executeOperation($exeContext, $exeContext->operation, $rootValue));
if (self::$promiseAdapter->isPromise($data)) {
// Return a Promise that will eventually resolve to the data described by
// The "Response" section of the GraphQL specification.
// If errors are encountered while executing a GraphQL field, only that
// field and its descendants will be omitted, and sibling fields will still
// be executed. An execution which encounters errors will still result in a
// resolved Promise.
return $data->then(null, function ($error) use($exeContext) {
// Errors from sub-fields of a NonNull type may propagate to the top level,
// at which point we still log the error and null the parent field, which
// in this case is the entire response.
return null;
})->then(function ($data) use($exeContext) {
return new ExecutionResult((array) $data, $exeContext->errors);
} catch (Error $e) {
$data = null;
return new ExecutionResult((array) $data, $exeContext->errors);