Interop\Async\Loop\Driver::info PHP Method

info() abstract public method

The returned array MUST contain the following data describing the driver's currently registered watchers: [ "defer" => ["enabled" => int, "disabled" => int], "delay" => ["enabled" => int, "disabled" => int], "repeat" => ["enabled" => int, "disabled" => int], "on_readable" => ["enabled" => int, "disabled" => int], "on_writable" => ["enabled" => int, "disabled" => int], "on_signal" => ["enabled" => int, "disabled" => int], "watchers" => ["referenced" => int, "unreferenced" => int], ]; Implementations MAY optionally add more information in the array but at minimum the above key => value format MUST always be provided.
abstract public info ( ) : array
return array
    public abstract function info();