Kelunik\AcmeClient\Commands\Issue::doExecute PHP Method

doExecute() private method

private doExecute ( League\CLImate\Argument\Manager $args )
$args League\CLImate\Argument\Manager
    private function doExecute(Manager $args)
        if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) !== 'WIN') {
            if (posix_geteuid() !== 0) {
                $processUser = posix_getpwnam(posix_geteuid());
                $currentUsername = $processUser["name"];
                $user = $args->get("user") ?: $currentUsername;
                if ($currentUsername !== $user) {
                    throw new AcmeException("Running this script with --user only works as root!");
            } else {
                $user = $args->get("user") ?: "www-data";
        $domains = array_map("trim", explode(":", str_replace([",", ";"], ":", $args->get("domains"))));
        (yield \Amp\resolve($this->checkDnsRecords($domains)));
        $docRoots = explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, str_replace("\\", "/", $args->get("path")));
        $docRoots = array_map(function ($root) {
            return rtrim($root, "/");
        }, $docRoots);
        if (count($domains) < count($docRoots)) {
            throw new AcmeException("Specified more document roots than domains.");
        if (count($domains) > count($docRoots)) {
            $docRoots = array_merge($docRoots, array_fill(count($docRoots), count($domains) - count($docRoots), end($docRoots)));
        $keyStore = new KeyStore(\Kelunik\AcmeClient\normalizePath($args->get("storage")));
        $server = \Kelunik\AcmeClient\resolveServer($args->get("server"));
        $keyFile = \Kelunik\AcmeClient\serverToKeyname($server);
        try {
            $keyPair = (yield $keyStore->get("accounts/{$keyFile}.pem"));
        } catch (KeyStoreException $e) {
            throw new AcmeException("Account key not found, did you run 'bin/acme setup'?", 0, $e);
        $acme = $this->acmeFactory->build($server, $keyPair);
        $errors = [];
        $domainChunks = array_chunk($domains, 10, true);
        foreach ($domainChunks as $domainChunk) {
            $promises = [];
            foreach ($domainChunk as $i => $domain) {
                $promises[] = \Amp\resolve($this->solveChallenge($acme, $keyPair, $domain, $docRoots[$i]));
            list($chunkErrors) = (yield \Amp\any($promises));
            $errors += $chunkErrors;
        if (!empty($errors)) {
            foreach ($errors as $error) {
            throw new AcmeException("Issuance failed, not all challenges could be solved.");
        $path = "certs/" . $keyFile . "/" . reset($domains) . "/key.pem";
        $bits = $args->get("bits");
        try {
            $keyPair = (yield $keyStore->get($path));
        } catch (KeyStoreException $e) {
            $keyPair = (new OpenSSLKeyGenerator())->generate($bits);
            $keyPair = (yield $keyStore->put($path, $keyPair));
        $this->climate->whisper("    Requesting certificate ...");
        $location = (yield $acme->requestCertificate($keyPair, $domains));
        $certificates = (yield $acme->pollForCertificate($location));
        $path = \Kelunik\AcmeClient\normalizePath($args->get("storage")) . "/certs/" . $keyFile;
        $certificateStore = new CertificateStore($path);
        (yield $certificateStore->put($certificates));
        $this->climate->info("    Successfully issued certificate.");
        $this->climate->info("    See {$path}/" . reset($domains));
        (yield new CoroutineResult(0));