Nette\Utils\ObjectMixin::getMagicMethods PHP Method

getMagicMethods() public static method

Returns array of magic methods defined by annotation @method.
public static getMagicMethods ( $class ) : array
return array
    public static function getMagicMethods($class)
        $rc = new \ReflectionClass($class);
			[ \\t*]*  @method  [ \\t]+
			(?: [^\\s(]+  [ \\t]+ )?
			(set|get|is|add)  ([A-Z]\\w*)
			(?: ([ \\t]* \\()  [ \\t]* ([^)$\\s]*)  )?
		()~mx', (string) $rc->getDocComment(), $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
        $methods = [];
        foreach ($matches as list(, $op, $prop, $bracket, $type)) {
            if ($bracket !== '(') {
                trigger_error("Bracket must be immediately after @method {$op}{$prop}() in class {$class}.", E_USER_WARNING);
            $name = $op . $prop;
            $prop = strtolower($prop[0]) . substr($prop, 1) . ($op === 'add' ? 's' : '');
            if ($rc->hasProperty($prop) && ($rp = $rc->getProperty($prop)) && !$rp->isStatic()) {
                if ($op === 'get' || $op === 'is') {
                    $type = NULL;
                    $op = 'get';
                } elseif (!$type && preg_match('#@var[ \\t]+(\\S+)' . ($op === 'add' ? '\\[\\]#' : '#'), (string) $rp->getDocComment(), $m)) {
                    $type = $m[1];
                if ($rc->inNamespace() && preg_match('#^[A-Z]\\w+(\\[|\\||\\z)#', (string) $type)) {
                    $type = $rc->getNamespaceName() . '\\' . $type;
                $methods[$name] = [$op, $rp, $type];
        return $methods;