public function actionStartTicketProcess($ticket_id)
if (!($ticket = models\Ticket::model()->findByPk($ticket_id))) {
throw new \CHttpException(404, 'Invalid ticket id.');
// check the user is permissioned to process the queueset the ticket is on
$qs_svc = Yii::app()->service->getService(self::$QUEUESET_SERVICE);
$qs_r = $qs_svc->getQueueSetForTicket($ticket_id);
if (!$qs_svc->isQueueSetPermissionedForUser($qs_r, Yii::app()->user->id)) {
throw new \CHttpException(403, "User does not have permission to manage queueset for ticket id {$ticket_id}");
// set the patient to be in processing for the current user
$this->setTicketState($ticket, true, true);
//set session variable to display patient ticket banner
Yii::app()->session['patientticket_ticket_in_review'] = array('ticket_id' => $ticket_id, 'patient_id' => $ticket->patient->id);
// redirect to the appropriate page for the ticket processing.