phpbb\install\installer::run PHP Method

run() public method

Run phpBB installer
public run ( )
    public function run()
        if ($this->iohandler instanceof ajax_iohandler) {
        // Load install progress
        if (!$this->install_config->get('cache_purged_before', false) && $this->purge_cache_before) {
            /** @var \phpbb\cache\driver\driver_interface $cache */
            $cache = $this->container_factory->get('cache.driver');
            $this->install_config->set('cache_purged_before', true);
        // Recover install progress
        $module_index = $this->recover_progress();
        // Variable used to check if the install process have been finished
        $install_finished = false;
        $fail_cleanup = false;
        $send_refresh = false;
        // We are installing something, so the introduction stage can go now...
        $this->install_config->set_finished_navigation_stage(array('install', 0, 'introduction'));
        $this->iohandler->set_finished_stage_menu(array('install', 0, 'introduction'));
        if ($this->install_config->get_task_progress_count() === 0) {
            // Count all tasks in the current installer modules
            $step_count = 0;
            /** @var \phpbb\install\module_interface $module */
            foreach ($this->installer_modules as $name => $module) {
                $module_step_count = $module->get_step_count();
                $step_count += $module_step_count;
                $this->module_step_count[$name] = $module_step_count;
            // Set task count
        // Set up progress information
        try {
            $iterator = $this->installer_modules->getIterator();
            if ($module_index < $iterator->count()) {
            } else {
                $iterator->seek($module_index - 1);
            while ($iterator->valid()) {
                $module = $iterator->current();
                $name = $iterator->key();
                // Check if module should be executed
                if (!$module->is_essential() && !$module->check_requirements()) {
                    $this->iohandler->add_log_message(array('SKIP_MODULE', $name));
                } else {
                    // Set the correct stage in the navigation bar
                // Save progress
                $this->install_config->set_active_module($name, $module_index);
                if ($iterator->valid() && ($this->install_config->get_time_remaining() <= 0 || $this->install_config->get_memory_remaining() <= 0)) {
                    throw new resource_limit_reached_exception();
            // Installation finished
            $install_finished = true;
            if ($this->iohandler instanceof cli_iohandler) {
            } else {
                // Start session if not installing and get user object
                // to allow redirecting to ACP
                $user = $this->container_factory->get('user');
                if (!isset($module) || !$module instanceof \phpbb\install\module\install_finish\module) {
                    $auth = $this->container_factory->get('auth');
                $phpbb_root_path = $this->container_factory->get_parameter('core.root_path');
                $acp_url = append_sid($phpbb_root_path . 'adm/index.php', 'i=acp_help_phpbb&mode=help_phpbb', true, $user->session_id);
                $this->iohandler->add_success_message('INSTALLER_FINISHED', array('ACP_LINK', $acp_url));
        } catch (user_interaction_required_exception $e) {
        } catch (resource_limit_reached_exception $e) {
            $send_refresh = true;
        } catch (jump_to_restart_point_exception $e) {
            $send_refresh = true;
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            $fail_cleanup = true;
        if ($this->iohandler instanceof ajax_iohandler) {
        if ($install_finished) {
            // Send install finished message
            $this->iohandler->set_progress('INSTALLER_FINISHED', $this->install_config->get_task_progress_count());
        } else {
            if ($send_refresh) {
        // Save install progress
        try {
            if ($install_finished || $fail_cleanup) {
                try {
                    /** @var \phpbb\cache\driver\driver_interface $cache */
                    $cache = $this->container_factory->get('cache.driver');
                } catch (cannot_build_container_exception $e) {
                    // Do not do anything, this just means there is no config.php yet
            } else {
        } catch (installer_config_not_writable_exception $e) {
            // It is allowed to fail this test during requirements testing
            $progress_data = $this->install_config->get_progress_data();
            if ($progress_data['last_task_module_name'] !== 'installer.module.requirements_install') {

Usage Example

Example #1
  * Executes the command update.
  * Update the board
  * @param InputInterface  $input  An InputInterface instance
  * @param OutputInterface $output An OutputInterface instance
  * @return int
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     /** @var \phpbb\install\helper\iohandler\cli_iohandler $iohandler */
     $iohandler = $this->iohandler_factory->get();
     $style = new SymfonyStyle($input, $output);
     $iohandler->set_style($style, $output);
     $config_file = $input->getArgument('config-file');
     if (!$this->install_helper->is_phpbb_installed()) {
         return 1;
     if (!is_file($config_file)) {
         $iohandler->add_error_message(array('MISSING_FILE', $config_file));
         return 1;
     try {
         $config = Yaml::parse(file_get_contents($config_file), true, false);
     } catch (ParseException $e) {
         $iohandler->add_error_message(array('INVALID_YAML_FILE', $config_file));
         return 1;
     $processor = new Processor();
     $configuration = new updater_configuration();
     try {
         $config = $processor->processConfiguration($configuration, $config);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $iohandler->add_error_message('INVALID_CONFIGURATION', $e->getMessage());
         return 1;
     $this->register_configuration($iohandler, $config);
     try {
         return 0;
     } catch (installer_exception $e) {
         return 1;