Pop\Project\Project::run PHP Method

run() public method

Run the project.
public run ( ) : void
return void
    public function run()
        // If router exists, then route the project to the appropriate controller
        if (null !== $this->router) {
            $this->start = time();
            if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) {
                $session = '[' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] . ']';
                if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
                    $session .= ' ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
                    if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'])) {
                        $session .= ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
                    if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
                        $session .= ' ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
            } else {
                $session = '[CLI]';
            $this->log($session, time());
            if (null !== $this->events->get('route.pre')) {
                $this->log('[Event] Pre-Route', time(), \Pop\Log\Logger::NOTICE);
            // Trigger any pre-route events, route, then trigger any post-route events
            $this->events->trigger('route.pre', array('router' => $this->router));
            // If still alive after 'route.pre'
            if ($this->events->alive()) {
                $this->log('Route Start', time());
                // If still alive after 'route'
                if ($this->events->alive()) {
                    if (null !== $this->events->get('route.post')) {
                        $this->log('[Event] Post-Route', time(), \Pop\Log\Logger::NOTICE);
                    $this->events->trigger('route.post', array('router' => $this->router));
                    // If still alive after 'route.post' and if a controller was properly
                    // routed and created, then dispatch it
                    if ($this->events->alive() && null !== $this->router->controller()) {
                        // Trigger any pre-dispatch events
                        if (null !== $this->events->get('dispatch.pre')) {
                            $this->log('[Event] Pre-Dispatch', time(), \Pop\Log\Logger::NOTICE);
                        $this->events->trigger('dispatch.pre', array('router' => $this->router));
                        // If still alive after 'dispatch.pre'
                        if ($this->events->alive()) {
                            // Get the action and dispatch it
                            $action = $this->router->getAction();
                            // Dispatch the found action, the error action or trigger the dispatch error events
                            if (null !== $action && method_exists($this->router->controller(), $action)) {
                            } else {
                                if (method_exists($this->router->controller(), $this->router->controller()->getErrorAction())) {
                                } else {
                                    if (null !== $this->events->get('dispatch.error')) {
                                        $this->log('[Event] Dispatch Error', time(), \Pop\Log\Logger::ERR);
                                    $this->events->trigger('dispatch.error', array('router' => $this->router));
                            // If still alive after 'dispatch'
                            if ($this->events->alive()) {
                                // Trigger any post-dispatch events
                                if (null !== $this->events->get('dispatch.post')) {
                                    $this->log('[Event] Post-Dispatch', time(), \Pop\Log\Logger::NOTICE);
                                $this->events->trigger('dispatch.post', array('router' => $this->router));
            $this->log('Route End', time());

Usage Example

Example #1
 public function testConstructor()
     $p = new Project(new Config(array('databases' => array('testdb' => Db::factory('Sqlite', array('database' => __DIR__ . '/../tmp/test.sqlite'))), 'defaultDb' => 'testdb')), array('Test' => new Config(array('some' => 'thing'))), new Router(array('Pop\\Mvc\\Controller' => new Controller())));
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Pop\\Project\\Project', $p);
All Usage Examples Of Pop\Project\Project::run