Predis\Replication\ReplicationStrategy::getReadOnlyOperations PHP Method

getReadOnlyOperations() protected method

Returns the default list of commands performing read-only operations.
protected getReadOnlyOperations ( ) : array
return array
    protected function getReadOnlyOperations()
        return array('EXISTS' => true, 'TYPE' => true, 'KEYS' => true, 'SCAN' => true, 'RANDOMKEY' => true, 'TTL' => true, 'GET' => true, 'MGET' => true, 'SUBSTR' => true, 'STRLEN' => true, 'GETRANGE' => true, 'GETBIT' => true, 'LLEN' => true, 'LRANGE' => true, 'LINDEX' => true, 'SCARD' => true, 'SISMEMBER' => true, 'SINTER' => true, 'SUNION' => true, 'SDIFF' => true, 'SMEMBERS' => true, 'SSCAN' => true, 'SRANDMEMBER' => true, 'ZRANGE' => true, 'ZREVRANGE' => true, 'ZRANGEBYSCORE' => true, 'ZREVRANGEBYSCORE' => true, 'ZCARD' => true, 'ZSCORE' => true, 'ZCOUNT' => true, 'ZRANK' => true, 'ZREVRANK' => true, 'ZSCAN' => true, 'ZLEXCOUNT' => true, 'ZRANGEBYLEX' => true, 'ZREVRANGEBYLEX' => true, 'HGET' => true, 'HMGET' => true, 'HEXISTS' => true, 'HLEN' => true, 'HKEYS' => true, 'HVALS' => true, 'HGETALL' => true, 'HSCAN' => true, 'HSTRLEN' => true, 'PING' => true, 'AUTH' => true, 'SELECT' => true, 'ECHO' => true, 'QUIT' => true, 'OBJECT' => true, 'BITCOUNT' => true, 'BITPOS' => true, 'TIME' => true, 'PFCOUNT' => true, 'SORT' => array($this, 'isSortReadOnly'), 'BITFIELD' => array($this, 'isBitfieldReadOnly'), 'GEOHASH' => true, 'GEOPOS' => true, 'GEODIST' => true, 'GEORADIUS' => array($this, 'isGeoradiusReadOnly'), 'GEORADIUSBYMEMBER' => array($this, 'isGeoradiusReadOnly'));