Scalr\Acl\Acl::setAccountRole PHP Method

setAccountRole() public method

Saves account role to database
public setAccountRole ( integer $accountId, integer $baseRoleId, string $name, integer $color, array $resources, string $accountRoleId = null ) : string
$accountId integer The ID of the account.
$baseRoleId integer The ID of the base role.
$name string The name of the account role.
$color integer The color specified as integer value
$resources array Array of the resources which looks like array( resource_id => array( 'granted' => [0|1], #is granted 'permissions' => array( permissionId => [0|1], #is granted ), mode => valueId | null, # identifier of the Resource Mode value );
$accountRoleId string optional The ID of the ACL role of account level. NULL if the new role.
return string Returns the ID of the created or modified account role on success
    public function setAccountRole($accountId, $baseRoleId, $name, $color, $resources, $accountRoleId = null)
        $id = $this->db->getOne('SELECT account_role_id FROM `acl_account_roles` WHERE name = ? AND account_id = ? LIMIT 1', [$name, $accountId]);
        if ($id && $accountRoleId != $id) {
            throw new \Exception('Account role with such name already exists');
        if (empty($accountRoleId)) {
            //Creates new account role
            $accountRoleId = self::generateAccountRoleId();
            $new = true;
        $this->db->Execute("\n            INSERT `acl_account_roles`\n            SET `account_role_id` = ?,\n                `account_id` = ?,\n                `role_id` = ?,\n                `name` = ?,\n                `color` = ?,\n                `is_automatic` = 0\n            ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE\n                `role_id` = ?,\n                `name` = ?,\n                `color` = ?\n        ", array($accountRoleId, $accountId, $baseRoleId, $name, $color, $baseRoleId, $name, $color));
        $accountRole = $this->getAccountRole($accountRoleId);
        if ($accountRole === null) {
            throw new Exception\AclException($new ? 'Database error' : 'Cannot find requested ACL role!');
        $baseRole = $accountRole->getBaseRole();
        foreach ($accountRole->getIteratorResources() as $resourceDefinition) {
            /* @var $resourceDefinition \Scalr\Acl\Resource\ResourceObject */
            $resourceId = $resourceDefinition->getResourceId();
            $accountResource = $accountRole->getResource($resourceId);
            $toUpdate = null;
            $toUpdatePerm = [];
            foreach ($resourceDefinition->getPermissions() as $permissionId => $permissionName) {
                $granted = isset($resources[$resourceId]['permissions'][$permissionId]) ? $resources[$resourceId]['permissions'][$permissionId] == 1 : false;
                if ($granted != $baseRole->isAllowed($resourceId, $permissionId)) {
                    //Unique permission is overridden on account level and needs to be created
                    $toUpdatePerm[$permissionId] = [$accountRoleId, $resourceId, $permissionId, $granted ? 1 : 0, $granted ? 1 : 0];
                } else {
                    if ($accountResource !== null) {
                        //Unique permission needs to be removed
                        $this->db->Execute("\n                        DELETE FROM `acl_account_role_resource_permissions`\n                        WHERE `account_role_id` = ?\n                        AND `resource_id` = ?\n                        AND `perm_id` = ?\n                    ", array($accountRoleId, $resourceId, $permissionId));
            $granted = isset($resources[$resourceId]['granted']) ? $resources[$resourceId]['granted'] == 1 : false;
            if ($granted != $baseRole->isAllowed($resourceId)) {
                //Resource record is overridden on account level and needs to be created
                $toUpdate = array($accountRoleId, $resourceId, $granted ? 1 : 0, $granted ? 1 : 0);
            } elseif ($resourceDefinition->getMode() !== null || !empty($toUpdatePerm) && $granted) {
                //Referenced resource must be created as foreign key requires.
                $toUpdate = array($accountRoleId, $resourceId, $granted ? 1 : null, $granted ? 1 : null);
            } else {
                //Resource record the same as in the base role and needs to be removed
                $this->db->Execute("\n                    DELETE FROM `acl_account_role_resources`\n                    WHERE `account_role_id` = ?\n                    AND `resource_id` = ?\n                ", array($accountRoleId, $resourceId));
            if ($toUpdate) {
                $this->db->Execute("\n                    INSERT `acl_account_role_resources`\n                    SET `account_role_id` = ?,\n                        `resource_id` = ?,\n                        `granted` = ?\n                    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE\n                        `granted` = ?\n                ", $toUpdate);
            if ($resourceDefinition->getMode() !== null) {
                //Saves ACL Resource Mode only if it's defined in the Resouce Definition
                $modeValue = !empty($resources[$resourceId]['mode']) && in_array(intval($resources[$resourceId]['mode']), array_keys($resourceDefinition->getMode()->getMapping())) ? intval($resources[$resourceId]['mode']) : $resourceDefinition->getMode()->getDefault();
                $this->db->Execute("\n                    INSERT `acl_account_role_resource_modes`\n                    SET `account_role_id` = ?,\n                        `resource_id` = ?,\n                        `mode` = ?\n                    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE\n                        `mode` = ?\n                ", [$accountRoleId, $resourceId, $modeValue, $modeValue]);
            if ($toUpdatePerm) {
                foreach ($toUpdatePerm as $opt) {
                    $this->db->Execute("\n                        INSERT `acl_account_role_resource_permissions`\n                        SET `account_role_id` = ?,\n                            `resource_id` = ?,\n                            `perm_id` = ?,\n                            `granted` = ?\n                        ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE\n                            `granted` = ?\n                    ", $opt);
        return $accountRoleId;